congratulations, it's a boy

Oct 08, 2010 23:07

we picked up the puppy today.

he's the cutest! and damn hyper active too :D also puked twice in the car when coming home but luckily car wasn't harmed.

i had half-decided that his name would be tico. but the puppy looks nothing like tico! so me and mom were driving back to kuusamo and the doggie had no name. mom then suddenly starts calling it rolle. rolle is this one character from bob the builder. i think his name is roley in english. and of course the theme song that had been stuck in my head for weeks started to play again. i told mom that the puppy would not be named rolle because of that reason. but somehow i just started to think of him as rolle and well.. rolle he is.

and that damn doggie already knows how to use those puppy eyes of his!

i also find it a bit funny how rolle's mom is labrador retriever/laika mix and looked more like laika with pointed ears and all. then rolle's daddy is german shepherd who i imagine would look like they usually do. and all the puppies looked like mini labrador retrievers with those big ears and black furs.

damn i already love this little fella. tomorrow we're going to see how he and my other doggie, saaga, will get along.


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