I believe I did it. Well, part of it. I wrote the first part of my Saturday report. It has J2 panel in it. So a little warning before you start to read this or my future reports. They might be really detailed when it comes to Jared, Jensen or Misha’s panels, because I was filming the whole panels. Also, I happened to carry my mp3 player and iPhone everywhere so I could also record the panels, etc. Also, most of the pictures were taken with my camera by Noora while I was filming. Videos can be found at the end of the report.
Saturday started with a wake up. 8am it was. Maybe a little later since we both kept hitting the snooze button and “Carry On My Wayward Son” really wasn’t that annoying song that it would make me want to wake up. Anyway, after the hotel breakfast we went to wait to get into the stage hall. And we were a bit confused because people were lining up and we still had time before we would get in. I mean, all of us had reserved seats, why would you need to line up. Crazy people.
Our seats pretty much sucked but they could’ve been a lot worse. We were in the row V which meant there were rows A to U before us. And behind us there was probably the same amount of rows. The room was kind of crappy. Too long, in my opinion. Also they had only 20 seats in one row if I remember right and they could’ve fit more in one row. Oh, and the seats were numbered so badly. On the one side of the aisle there were numbers “2, 4, 6, etc.” and on the other side of aisle “1, 3, 5, etc.” so if you booked your passes at the same time as your friends and got for example seat numbers 5 and 6, you still couldn’t sit with them. Luckily this one girl wanted to sit with her friend so we switched our seats and so I was sitting with Noora.
So let’s finally get to the part where the convention officially started. Since we were sitting so far back, I didn’t exactly see everything that was going on the stage. But I’ll do my best.
I think the Spanish voice actors for Sam and Dean started the whole show. Now let me check their names so I don’t need to call them like that all the time. David and Claudio. No idea who is who. And dear countries, just a side note, why the hell do you dub the shows? I mean, I believe people who watch show like Supernatural can actually read. I would go mad if Finland started to show American shows that are dubbed in Finnish. Okay now, back to where we were. David and Claudio jumped on the stage. They blabbered some Spanish and some English and for the most part, I really couldn’t understand what they were saying. I suck like that. I only understand American English :D
There was also some lady who introduced the actors to the stage. The first ones coming through the curtain were Jim and Samantha. And right after that Misha was on the stage. They all greeted the crowd with some Spanish words. From what I understood Misha said “hola” and some other stuff, Sam greeted us with “Buenos dias, señoritas” probably mentioned them señors too and Jim was classic with his “Buenos dias, idjits”.
After the hellos the brown jacketed dude, still no idea which one of the voices he was, hoped we would enjoy the show as much as they do. Jim was impatient and asked “what are we waiting for?” just before the video started rolling. It was pretty cool video that had all the guests in it. The song in the video was the classic one, Hells Bells. And btw, the dude who sat in front of me was moving way too much. You can also blame him for my shaky videos. If you watch my opening ceremony video, I’m probably cursing the dude half of the time in Finnish. Sorry about that xD
When the video hit its last notes and Sam and Dean jumped through the window, Jensen and Jared jumped through the curtains. Aaaaand the crowd goes wiiiiild! Guys are all smiley and someone sitting close to us was so freaking out, repeating “oh my god” over and over again. Sorry, I find it kind of funny XD
Jared got a microphone and started with “hola” then he said something more in Spanish. Or at least I think it was Spanish. After the greetings they welcomed us and Jensen said that he couldn’t really see the crowd (Misha mentioned that later too and I still wonder why they wouldn’t light up the room like they did in Rome when Misha was all “can’t see you guys from these blinding lights”). Jared, for some weird reason, did some cute little jumps on the stage. When he calmed down and when Jensen had said something more, one of the voice dudes noticed that Misha was gone. So he got called back. Then these voice guys started blabbering something again. And no matter how many times I watch my video, I have no idea if they’re speaking Spanish or English. Andrea from Italy, I missed you and your good English! Somehow Sam had ended up being behind that curtain too and she peeked through them before coming back on stage as well.
They then showed this one video and could someone please tell me, why did they show it then? I mean yeah, the fans had made a cool video of them singing The Ramones’ version of What a Wonderful World, but was that a right moment to show the video? …I have a feeling that I’m whining way too much, but what the hell! This is about my thoughts and feelings. (on the side note, just got to know that the brown jacketed one is David, so the other dude is Claudio then. Have to try to keep that in mind.)
After the video Jensen then “introduced” Misha, Jim and Sam out with their names because J2 panel was about to start. So back to the basics it was. Once again they hi’ed and thanked us for coming (jeez, Jared, it should be us thanking you for coming! You guys came all the way from the freaking States). Then was this “who’s from here and there” and “whoos” from the crowd. Someone then yelled something and Jared turned to Jensen and was like “I think they’re yelling at you” because he had no idea what that someone had just yelled.
- Jensen told he’s been in Barcelona once many years ago and so he doesn’t remember much but he’s happy to be back, etc. Again they were telling how they couldn’t really see the faces on the audience but the room still stayed dark.
- Jared told us he just took an antihistamine so he was starting to get a little.. and then he lifted his shirt and crowd was once again whooing. Poor dude sweats so much.
- Jared asked how we liked season 5 and well, we whooed once again. Lots of whooing, let me tell you.
- Jensen then told us how they know nothing about season 6 and how Eric Kripke has stepped down from running the show and that Sera Gamble would take his place. Both guys were really waiting to see what next season would be like.
- They asked if we had some questions or do they have to continue with their mindless banter. I think someone told them to go on with their mindless banter because that’s what they kept doing.
Jensen: “How’s your summer been?”
Jared: “Good.”
Jensen: “What you’ve been doing?”
Jared: “Uhmm..(something something) (something) season 6. You?”
Jensen: “More the same. More the same. Uhmm.. Who was in Rome? So, yeah, we went to Rome and you (something about Jared travelling around after the convention).”
Jared: “I did. Anybody from Switzerland? Germany (something)… You?”
Jensen: “Let’s see. After Rome I went to Dallas and I got married.” SCREEEAM PEOPLE, SCREEEEAM! “Annnd.. (something something) ..spent a few days in New York and then went on a honeymoon. Went to Akron, Ohio.”
Jared: “Akron, Ohio?” and so everyone including Jensen and Jared lol’ed.
And then they were saved by someone wanting to ask a question. So the girl was all “it looks like Sam is always the bad guy” which was followed by Jared’s hurt “what?!” and fake crying. Then the mic started acting up.
Girl: “And I wanna know do you… think…”
Jared: “...I don’t think. I’m not allowed to think.”
Finally the girl got her question out. It was if Jared thinks Sam is bad. Jared answered that he thinks Sam has a lot dark in him. At this point Jensen was being a little ADD and started to play with his chair. You could adjust its height and so he started to mess with it. Jared got a bit excited too and so they started to jump on their seats. Oh those lil boys. The girl who asked the question was then saying that Dean has this apple pie life and Sam doesn’t, so Jensen went all: “What show are you watching?” and “There’s no dessert going on there. Well there’s some pie. Dean likes pie.”
When someone asked the next question, Jared got distracted again and started to spin with his chair. The question was about Supernatural Anime. Guys confirmed that yes, it is happening. They will do the voices for the first few episodes.
Jensen was all proud how the last scene of season 5 was his idea. You know what scene I’m talking about. Not going to write it here because my deer friend, Kyle, is still stuck in season 2. Hurry up, dude! Anyway, this lead to the subject about Jensen directing. He’s going to direct the first episode that they’re shooting but not the first that’s airing. It’s the 3rd episode that will be airing.
“So, 3rd episode of the season 6, be gentle. Be kind. Say nice things.”
The next person asking her question was I think this one Finnish girl we met a few times during the con. Whoo people! We actually weren’t the only Finns there! She congratulated Jensen and hoped he will be happy for the rest of his life with his wife. Jensen thanked and hoped that too.
Girl: “And Jared too, I mean.”
Jared: “Oh, me too? Thank you! Jensen, be happy. Jared, you be happy too.” or something.
Anyway, the girl asked about the season 3, what was it like for Jensen to act the role of Dean when he knew he was about to die. Jensen said that it was sometimes difficult and sometimes just awkward. He said that playing those things is what makes it fun to be an actor, you have to be creative, etc. He also said something else before his mic started to act up in turn and so Jared had to borrow his mic just so Jensen could say that he has nothing more to say :D
Then some Swedish girl asked if Jared’s seen this some Swedish movie and Jared had seen it. Now that I’m rewatching their first panel and I’m almost in the middle of watching it, I have to say something. I wrote about this earlier, but I feel like I really have to say this again. People complaining about Jensen and Jared not being chirpy enough or some shit, what the hell?! Watch the videos of the panels and think again. Jeez, idiots.
So now, again, back to the topic. Jared told that every time they watch the TV on show, it’s just a blank screen. In the middle of Jared’s speech Jensen started to check if his mic was finally okay. It was. So Jared could go on.
Next one asking a question was a guy. So dude was asking his question (once again I had no idea what he was asking because like I said earlier, I have a problem understanding different accents) and suddenly Jared starts to play with water. He took some in his mouth, put mic close to his mouth and made this “grllll” noise with his throat. And apologized. He’s such a cute little puppy. Or a little bigger one. So the dude asking the question was like “you’re so funny!” before he continued with his question. Oh, so now that I’m listening to Jensen’s answer, the question was somehow related to Smallville. So he talked about Smallville. Sorry, I’ve never really watched that show so I’m too lazy to write what he actually said about it. Talked about the girl who’s boyfriend he played. Also mentioned Mike Rosenbaum, etc.
More spinning Jared.
Next questioner said something about Misha and Jensen was like “He’s an idiot” or something and Jared: “We love Misha”. Guys talked about their first conventions. For Jensen it was in England and Jared was not there. It was a Supernatural/Smallville convention. Jared’s first one was in Los Angeles and he was on the stage at the same time with the cast of LOST. He said how everyone had been like “who the hell is this guy?” and poor dude’s been all “uuhmm.. I’m on Supernatural.” and Jensen then said that “Yeah, and who’s on air now?” or something as good :D and once again Jared thanked us. While Jensen was having this speech about how it’s nice that people appreciate them, etc. Jared lost his concentration once again and started to wave at people in the crowd. Anyway, Jensen said how it’s nice to see that people care.
Aaand once again, no idea what the girl asked. But Jared said that he’s really intimidated by comedy, it’s though. While you’re filming, you don’t hear any laughs because well, obviously you can’t laugh while the film is rolling. So you don’t get any reaction. And when the scene is filmed people are then like “that was funny” and you’re like “you didn’t laugh” so.. yeah. Jared loves drama. Jensen said too how comedy is difficult and how there’s nothing worse than hear a dead room after you’ve told a joke. But then again in drama you have to get really emotional and try to get the audience feel what you’re feeling and that can be really difficult too. Jensen likes the roles that they’re playing because they get to play the both. If he had to pick one, he would pick drama because like he said, comedy is very difficult.
The next question was about guilty pleasures. TV shows. Girl asked if Jared and Jensen had some guilty pleasures. Oh and what is Sam’s guilty pleasure. Jared answered that it’s Missis Dr. Sexy. Then he said that he thinks that Sam is too focused and he’s already worried and evil so he stays away from all the entertainment :D Then he mentioned how Sam was this one time watching Casa Erotica. He started to tell how Eric Kripke is a funny character who likes to throw these bizarre jokes.
Jared: “You’re reading the script that’s like: Sam’s sitting on a hotel room watching the screen intently. Dean enters. Sam turns the TV off, throws the remote (seriously, I have no idea what he blabbers so fast, but the scene went somehow like that so I improvised xD) and is like ‘what’s going on, Dean?’” and after that Jensen demonstrated how Jared’s sitting on a bed and oh my, that was just hilarious!
Dude, could you be more gay?
Then Jensen asked what is Jared’s guilty pleasure. Jared started saying something about red wine and Jensen’s like “noooo! Television, man, television!”
Jared: “Oh, there are totally some. Uhmm… uhmm.. … Pawn Stars.” (I’m not going to lie to you. When I watched the video I filmed, I really thought he said Porn Stars). Anyway, he also likes Antique Roadshow. Oh, you can’t forget all the cooking shows. All the shows about food.
Jensen said that watching another dramatic show doesn’t really interest him. He tried to get into LOST but then he got lost. So he watches comedy shows. He likes Modern Family, The Office and How I Met Your Mother.
The next girl asked something like do they get nervous around their fans or something. Jared said that he gets nervous. Like if he sees people get nervous around him, it makes him nervous too. “I appreciate y’all as much as y’all appreciate me”. They also talked about how without Jensen and Jared there would be no Supernatural but without us fans there truly would be no Supernatural. And once again they thanked us and showed how much they appreciate their fans.
The last question was about how do they keep it fresh after being on the show for so many years. Jared said that the show has changes so much, like at first they’re just two bros on a roadtrip hunting ghosts and wendigos, then they realize there’s a bigger picture there. Then he dies and then Dean dies. And then they’re brought back, etc. He gives the credit to the fresh writing.
Jared said that they would start filming in two weeks and he had no clue what the season 6 would be about. He doesn’t even know if Sam is still named Sam. Jensen said that the script was going to be emailed to him on Monday (but on Sunday’s m&g Jared said that he already got the script so I believe that’s when Jensen got his too).
Claudio and David jumped on the stage, guys thanked us and I stopped filming. But maaan, those guys are just great. After the panel we stayed seated because Misha’s panel was about to start in 15 minutes or so. I’m going to write about that in the next report because seriously! This took eternity! I watched the whole 44 minutes panel and had to pause after every question and answer to write.
Coming up
Misha’s panel, Misha’s meeting room, Jensen and Jared’s panels. I also have to listen to my mp3 -player if I have part of Jim and Sam’s panels there because I seriously have no clue what they were talking in their panels.
Videos from The Opening Ceremony and J2 panel
The Opening Ceremony
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Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
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Part 4
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Part 5
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Part 6
Click to view