Dec 14, 2006 23:44
I've been soaking up slam poetry,beats, rhymes just writing and writing, listening, so much brilliance out there waiting to burst: Fatal Prose, Aceyatone, Blue Print, Brother Ali, Murs, Sage Francis, Hieroglyphics soo much... there's a place for hip hop in everyones hip bones.
Just trying to relax, I feel so intoxicated the more I read up on cleansing and replinishing your blood through fasting, herbs can get so pricey, -sea weed baths huh but do they really work.
all these satisitics make me feel uncapable of changing when my insides expierence so much pollution how is my mind suppose to work right? clear headed, it doesnt seem possible...
*"more than 2 million synthetic substances are known, 25,000 are added each year aand over 30,000 are produced on a commercial scale only a tiny fraction are ever tested for toxcity."
*" Because the molecular structure of many chemical carcinogens interacts with human DNA, long tem exposure can result in metabolic and genetic alteration that affects celll growths, behavior and immune response. New research by the world health organization implicates toxis enviromental chemicals in 60 to 80% of all cancers. Studies also link pesticides and pollutants to hormone dysfunctions, psycholocial dsorders, birth defects, still birth and now breast cancer. The wide varitey of toxic substances means that every system of the body is affected- from deep level tissue damage to snesory deterioration."- Helathy Healing
it makes me wonder if stimulant addiction and alcholism even holds a candle to all the horrible procesesed shit we eat and breathe on a regular basis.
how can you help not being upset by this..
I wanna see the ealy hours of dawn more often, early sun, chilled air come tomorow morning
The grand canyon sure would be a nice place to escape to