Jan 10, 2007 12:27
which car to i get to take back to campus? the ol' truck? the (still old) van? if the van, that means abu (who has already shelled out several hundred dollars in making repairs on it) needs to go get the title (which the original owners lost) and register it. but i love my truck. but i like 6 seats in a car. but...can i have both? my truck means so much though...and i dont think life will be the same without it :(
keep in mind, please, that neither of these cars is practical for a college student. in fact, no car at all would probably be the most reasonable situation. but shh, i love them and i'm pretty spoiled.
true, my first car was a big fat van. which i loved to death. well, almost death. shoutout to all who remember the maroon giant. wasn't it lovely? like a second room, that. i swear i had multiple pairs of shoes in it at any given time. hea,ven. good times.
if only i could have my cake and eat it too, eh? a six seater truck. well, four would be fine, really. six is a bit much for a truck. if i ever (insha Allah) have enough money, i'm buying a big fat truck with an extended cab. assuming, of course, that i have a use beyond pimping it out (stuff to haul). yes, i need stuff to haul. to go with my truck. fun logic :)