Mar 21, 2004 21:32
will bring the collection up to 20,breeding projects soon to follow!!!
Recently placed an order with
will be getting a 1 inch p.formosa
also i ordered the following from
1. c.crawshayi 1 inch a.k.a "king baboon"
1. g.pulchra 1 inch a.k.a "brazilian black"
1. p.cancerides 1 inch a.k.a "haitian brown"
1. p.fasciata 1 inch a.k.a "Sri Lankan Ornamental"
1. p.rufilata 1 inch a.k.a "Redslate Ornamental"
1. p.striata 1 inch a.k.a "Mysore Ornamental"
been spending alot of money on tarantulas lately,so this is it for now. there is about $300.00+ worth the tarantulas will be here tues.