Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Doujinshi (Page 10)
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骸VSヒバリ ツナ争奪アンソロジー vivid mode
Mukuro VS Hibari Tsuna Soudatsu Anthology Vivid Mode
Pairings: 6927 & 1827 & 182769/692718
Date of Publication: October 2008
Number of Pages: 184 (all black & white)
Dimensions: 8 ¼ inches x 6 inches
Publisher: ピクト・プレス Pict Press
Cover: 中条亮 Nakajyo Akira
Backside: 柚谷晴日 Yuzuya Haruhi
Pen Name / Circle of Doujinshi Creators
アヤセ・イチ Ayase・Ichi / BLOWIN’
渡辺ゆうな Watanabe Yuna / 逆乱堂 Gyarandoh
クリヤ Kuriya / エレクトロックス Electrocks
水無月神奈 Minaduki Kanna / Ananas Dolce
セリ seri / スロウ slow;throw
栗山なつき Kuriyama Natsuki / 美辞麗句 Bijireiku
武若丸 Takewakamaru / RIRIADOLL
毬乃サト Igano Sato / GIRHYTHM
中条亮 Nakajyo Akira / エデンの林檎 Eden no Ringo
Rino / Peace-diner
夕稀榎也 Yuki Enoya / Lostlast
The outside is lightly worn. There is a small bend in the bottom left corner on the front side. It places the same small bend on the first 65 inside pages. The rest of the inside is in perfect condition.
Price: $16.00
Status: Sold
骸VSヒバリ ツナ争奪アンソロジー glitter mode
Mukuro VS Hibari Tsuna Soudatsu Anthology Glitter Mode
Pairings: 6927 & 1827 & 182769/692718
Date of Publication: January 2009
Number of Pages: 183 (all black & white)
Dimensions: 8 ¼ inches x 6 inches
Publisher: ピクト・プレス Pict Press
Cover/Backside: 木乃ひのき Kino Hinoki
Pen Name / Circle of Doujinshi Creators
木乃ひのき Kino Hinoki / RE:sKEY
アヤセ・イチ Ayase・Ichi / BLOWIN’
ナナハラユウ Nanahara You / MAD DRIVER
紺野つぐみ Konno Tsugumi / SPEARMINT KIDS
白玉もちこ Shiratama Mochiko / しらこ堂 Shirakodou
砂原エナ Sunahara Ena / 4649苦愛 Yoroshiku Kurabu
ナカヲトール Nakawo To-ru / 危険等級レベルX Kiken Toukyuu Level X
如花うさぎ Ihana Usagi / ぷりんの缶詰 Purin no Kanzume
渡辺ゆうな Watanabe Yuna / 逆乱堂 Gyarandoh
和石二鳥&レノア Kazuishi Nitori & Lenor / GA-CHUCK
中条亮 Nakajyo Akira / エデンの林檎 Eden no Ringo
あんくみ Ankumi / 雲亭 Untei
The outside is lightly worn. There is a small light dent on the backside. The inside is in perfect condition.
Price: $17.00
Status: Sold
別冊ツナサンド ドルチェはいかが2 骸ツナ アラモード
Bessatsu Tsuna Sando Dolce wa Ikaga 2 MukuroTsuna a la mode
Pairings: 6927 only
Date of Publication: August 2008
Number of Pages: 160 (all black & white)
Dimensions: 8 ¼ inches x 6 inches
Publisher: オークス OKS
Cover/Backside: タゴ Tago
Postcard: ペプシ Pepushi
Pen Name / Circle of Doujinshi Creators
タゴ Tago / Tg*
相京あかり Aikyou Akari / IQ59
コンドル Kondoru / 拐帯党 Kaitaitou
かぼす Kabosu / 零式 Zeroshiki
暁りく Akatsuki Riku / 茶々 Chacha
砂原エナ Sunahara Ena / 4649苦愛 Yoroshiku Kurabu
神咲ネム Kanzaki Nemu / ネムノキ Nemunoki
藤白梅 Fujishiro Ume / メルシィ Merci
早稲ユタカ Wase Yutaka / Nebbia*c
村崎スグル Murasaki Suguru / 銀河ヒッチハイク Ginga Hitchhike
セリ seri / スロウ slow;throw
ナカヲトール Nakawo To-ru / 危険等級レベルX Kiken Toukyuu Level X
The outside is very lightly worn. The inside is in perfect condition. There are two additional pictures by Tago if you look underneath the outside illustrated cover. I also have another MukuroTsuna a la mode anthology that is the second in this series. You can find it on Page 7.
This anthology comes with a color postcard by Pepushi.
Price: $16.00
Status: Sold
ラブ ♥ トライアングラー 超直感型★マフィアンアンソロジー
Love ♥ Triangular Chouchokkan-gata★Mafian Anthology
Pairings: 6927 & 1827 & 182769/692718
Date of Publication: December 2008
Number of Pages: 194 (1 color ; 193 black & white)
Dimensions: 8 ¼ inches x 6 inches
Publisher: 風林館 Fuhrinkan
Cover/Backside: 飴沢狛 Amezawa Koma
Inside Color Illustration: 渡辺ゆうな Watanabe Yuna
Pen Name / Circle of Doujinshi Creators
黒塚リココ Kurotuka Rikoko / 愛玩LOVERS Aigan LOVERS
鈴野 Suzuno / 保温 Hoon
アヤセ・イチ Ayase・Ichi / BLOWIN’
ユキシロ Yukishiro / eichi
マナオ Manao / M’s
べっこ Becco / Mind Core
野沢晃也 Nozawa Kouya / 浮雲ヘヴン Ukigumo Heaven
トヨ Toyo / Salty
電話帳落花 Denwachou Rakka / 脳内世代 Nounai Sedai
赤穂ススグ Akou Susugu / アラアラ組 Ara Ara Gumi
壱コトコ Ichi Kotoko /嘘泣きアリス Usonaki Alice
飴沢狛 Amezawa Koma / 恋もまた唄う。 Koi mo Mata Utau。
The outside is very lightly worn. The inside is in perfect condition.
Mukuro drags Tsuna to a café to eat sweets and harass him. Hibari has cat ears and a tail one day and Tsuna somehow gains bunny ears. Mukuro and Hibari fight over Tsuna as bees… And then Tsuna longingly sniffs Hibari’s coat, which is supposedly a turn-on. We also have Tsuna becoming Mukuro’s barber and a 1827 interaction in the TYL universe. To finish things, we get a tea party where Mukuro and Hibari can fawn over a most adorable Tsuna as he delights over cake.
Price: $12.00
Status: Available
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