So... I'm nearly dead to the world. I got up at 8 to drive to Dave's in downtown L.A., met with him and walked to the L.A. City Hall. Met Court and Pam there and OMG it was so hot. I'd say... 90 something? Lots of people there, lots of speeches. Mayor Villaragosa spoke, and Ricki Lake, and Lucy Lawless, and that guy from Little Britain and lots more. It was pretty cool, only REALLY HOT. And then finally we got to march. There were LOTS of people, man. This is the route we took. Each block is approximately 1000 feet. (300m for you crazy Metric people.)
Sadly, there's almost nothing in the news about all this, because apparently California is burning to the ground. Sadface. Click the cut for a 2 minute video of some rockin' clips of the rally, protest and stuff. Also some cell pictures (3?) and a few awesome Dave pictures.
Lots of people!
Adorable kids and their awesome signs. Rock.
The next five are pictures Dave sent me which are AWESOME and clearly a media exclusive. You saw it here FIRST!
Check out the awesome "Cowboys for Equality" sign!
This is an awesome visual aid. California passed a proposition at the same time as Prop 8 passed that gave chickens and other animals more rights. It's hard not to see the irony of giving animals rights while taking away rights from humans.
Click to view
This is taken from Dave's street. The fires made it gross and smoky. Ew.