Mar 16, 2005 23:37
So I think I did something fantastic today. Kristin and I were getting of the 17w exit to go into the west end of Huntington, and along the exit ramp was a homeless man with a sign that said hungry. So I role down my window and give the guy $10. I normally give just about every homeless person I see at min. $5 if I can so this is nothing special. When I gave him the $10 the man started crying and saying thank you. I say have a good day and he said that he will know and that he was going to eat know. I pull forward to get off the ramp and when I look back in me side mirror, the guy had collapsed on his stuff he had laying on the road still crying and know praying. I don't think that this is the most generous or greatest thing that I have done but it sure did feel like it. So I don’t know if most of you help the homeless of Huntington but I think if you have spare change or some extra money, why not help someone?