"Hey monkey, what's life without an occasional surprise?..."

Dec 14, 2003 20:55

Lisa: I want you to shut off the logical part of your mind.
Bart: Okay.
Lisa: Embrace nothingness.
Bart: You got it.
Lisa: Become like an uncarved stone.
Bart: Done.
Lisa: Bart, you're just pretending to know what I'm talking about!
Bart: True.
Lisa: Well, it's very frustrating!
Bart: I'll bet.


Wow... so, I haven't actually done a real update for over a week! Don't worry... I'm not even going to try it! There's been so much going on that it would be near impossible without setting some new LiveJournal record for longest entry EVER. (And I know that you don't even have to question that I could actually set that record. You know I could.)

It's been busy lately. First with the show, then with finals, and then with... other things! I'm even going to go out on a limb to say things have been really good lately, too - even more so than before. In general, my life has been on such a positive track that I didn't think it was possible it could get any better... then, it did! Oh, sure... there are minor bumps and setbacks along the way, but in the grand scheme of it all... I'm pretty happy right now.

It's pretty amazing... the surprises life can throw at you when you finally decide to just let go of the controls... to stop questioning, and asking "why?"... to just go where it's taking you. I used to think that I had to fight that natural course of things, because I didn't want to do what was expected of me... or planned out for me. But, now I realize that what I was trying to fight was the course that other people had laid out for me. I still don't like doing things just because it's what someone else expects me to do or thinks is right. But, I've come to realize that sometimes, my course IS actually the same as the course that other people think is good... and so sometimes I just need to let myself go with it and stop fighting so much, because there's a chance I could be missing out on something really, really good... all because I'm too stubborn to let good things happen to me. I'm still not going to do things just because other people tell me it's good to do them. But, I'm also not going to automatically fight something just because other people tell me it's good, either. I think I just got tired of questioning and analyzing, at least within the realm of my own life and interactions. I still question tons of things. But, right now... good things are happening, and I'm just going with it for a change...

And, this has been Kristina's non-sensical, philosophical mumbo-jumbo of the day... brought to you by: things you never wanted to know, but she's going to tell you anyway!

Haha... ooooooohhhhhhkay, and that's all you get in the form of an update. I'm going to keep all the other fun details to myself. I'm going to try to have a good break from school. I'm going to miss everyone that went away. But, it was time for the semester to be over. I need a new semester with a fresh start, in terms of academics. In terms of socially, it's funny how the break occurred just when things were starting to get good. But, the little rest and relaxation is going to be good, too. And, hopefully the break won't drag out too much. I do have little things to look forward to along the way.

Side Note for The Man in the Yellow Hat: The monkey named Caliente has a secret she wants to tell you. It's about a fabulous shoshone dawg that's thinking of you in the cold, cold night! :::whispers::: Nothing, nothing, nothing... fix me! I LIKES IT!

Uhhhh... if the rest of you don't get it, well... don't worry - you shouldn't! So, don't ask. Hahaha.

I hope everyone else is having a good break so far! Take care, lots of hugs, don't do anything I wouldn't do...!!!


Jesus: You ready to be fucked man? I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we're gonna fuck you up.
The Dude: Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Jesus: Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass, and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes "click."
The Dude: Jesus.
Jesus: You said it man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus.
Walter: Eight year olds, Dude.
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