A squee and a grump.

Jun 06, 2011 18:38

I saw this gif on Tumblr and wanted to share it, but without spoiling anyone. So I'm sharing in a safer place with THESE AMAZING THINGS CALLED LJ-CUTS.

Poor Rory, his world is shattering as he realizes what this all means. HIS TINY BRAIN CAN'T HANDLE IT. I'm kind of imagining that moment in Return of the Jedi where Leia tells Han Luke is her brother and his eyes widen. YOU KNOW HE'S REMEMBERING WHEN THEY KISSED.

Also, speaking of making out, and in regards to the above gif:

Brian: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Brian: Only a matter of time before rory gets one too
Me: no joke
Me: i thought when the doctor interrupted them making out in the maternity ward that rory was going to plant one on him
Brian: Save THAT for sweeps week

Also also, I want a world where Rory asks Eleven what his intentions are with his daughter.


This is one of the drawbacks that I'm finding with Tumblr is that there seems to be no filter in anyone's minds about spoilers. I watched the finale on Saturday and by the time I finished and looked on Tumblr, my dash was filled with spoiling gifs and tags. Jesus, people, can you WAIT a few hours at least before others have seen it?! There are some people being good and waiting for it to air on BBCA, but because of Memorial Day, the US is behind.

And on another note, I'm limiting myself even more by basically stop reading reviews period. I have a small selection of people that I can rely on for not making me pull a 180 and make me doubt myself and flip tables. I've had to tell a few people over the past couple of weeks that they were harshing my squee (including my roommate last night after I saw X-Men) and I could no longer discuss specific things with them without becoming grumpy. Look, I respect your right for not enjoying something, please respect me when I do. And vice versa. If I'm being a downer and bringing you down with me, PLEASE call me out on it. I know I've said a few things in other people's LJs in the past that I regret and I apologize for ruining your fun.

This is also kind of the reason why I want to take a break from cons, because while they do start out funtiems, they will inevitably turn into the Internet, just noisier. I had to endure several conversations with pals that turned into character bashing and shitting on things that I like, to which I eventually had to walk away from because I didn't want to tolerate that crap.

I'm gonna sit over here in my tiny bubble world of butterflies and rainbows and Time Lords. Will anyone join me?

grump, squee, who, funny

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