Feb 28, 2011 18:07

God, has it already been a week since my last post? GADS. I’m almost at 100%. I still wake up with a bit of a twinge in my neck, but that goes away after about an hour. Thank you for all your well wishes!

I’ve been writing this up for the past week, but I’ve been crazy busy. Even though I was only at work last week for two days, it felt like an ETERNITY. This week is going to be horrendous.



After a nice relaxing evening with the folks and taking them out for Birthday Dinner the night before, I was able to go to bed early and sleep in to my heart’s content. Thank god for time change. What would have been 11 am on the East Coast was only 8 am on the West. YES. My brother kindly scheduled me a private shopping appointment at Volcom headquarters for 11 am, so Mom and I scurried over to Enterprise to rent a car and I could head on over. The car they gave me was brand new. I’m talking it had two miles on the odometer. They ran out to put gas in the car and the mileage doubled.

Anyway. SHOPPING excursion. The Volcom shop is a large warehouse connected to the main building. I was given a shopping bag and told that I wasn’t allowed to remove anything from plastic packaging (like boxers and socks) and could otherwise go hogwild. Unfortunately, they were towards the end of the season, so it was bare minimum of sizes and selection. I ended up getting a turquoise dress, platform flip flops and a new purse, all for $36. If I had bought it in the store, it would have been well over $100. Thank you, bro discount! Afterward, Bro and I ran to In-n-Out because I needed my fix.

After that, I bid him adieu and headed up to LA to spend the remainder of the day with lostsailors. Thank fuck it was gorgeous and sunny out. lostsailors came up with the idea to putter around Melrose and hit up some funky shops that she wanted to poke her head into for a while. First up was Scott Campbell’s gallery, full of awesome artwork. I remember his stuff when he did a Lost series, but he really has something representing every single movie ever. It’s amazing.

The next shop was Necromance, this super awesome dead things store. I, possibly not being in my right mind at the time because the day before, I closed an old savings account with a decent sum of money in it, thought that purchasing a real coyote skull was a Brilliant Idea. So now I’m in possession of a coyote skull. Go figure. We puttered around for a while longer before we headed over to the Grove to have dinner with skuldchan, who I haven’t seen since the forever-remembered Fellowship of the Nerds night in 2003. GOOD. TIMES.

At some point at an hour not at all much later than I had originally anticipated, I headed over to the Marriott to hit up LobbyCon, where I was immediately greeted with a billion people I recognized.


The first order of business was to drop off artwork for the art show. They weren’t ready for everyone, so I wandered with my wood panel thingy for a few hours. I think I poked my head into the Dealer’s Room right when it opened and bought Eleven’s sonic that was actually a working screwdriver. At some point, the art show was finally ready and they hung it all by its lonesome towards the front. It looked so sad and pitiful and for a while, it didn’t even have a bid sheet. I may have been slightly crazy and stalked the room till it got a bid. In the end, it got two bids and sold for $60 and supposedly to the band Tanuki Suit Riot. Hilaaaaaaaaaaarious.

I didn’t get around to many panels at this con, but I did sneak into the Peter Davison, Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton, which was quite possibly one of the most hilarious things ever. Peter just winds Janet up and WATCH HER GO. I was quite surprised that SHE brought up Davison’s soon-to-be son-in-law as well as grandfather again. I was just dreading the moment that some fan would get the mike and bring it up OH GOD EMBARRASSMENT SQUICK. But he seemed to be… okay with it? Anyway.

Then there was Opening Ceremonies. And I’ll just let this video sum up how awesome Peter Davison is:

image Click to view


<3 <3

You can assume that whenever there isn’t con, there is… LOBBYCON.


Saturday was THE BIG DAY. Whedonistas was launching and we had our panel and autograph session. And, if you’ll remember, Chris Hardwick from the Nerdist podcast was coming to film a segment for The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson as well. The con was gonna be PACKED. I watched the DW comics panel because I always do, though I did just skip the end of the Tenth Doctor’s run and go on to Eleven’s. SOMETHING TELLS ME THAT DURING THE WRITING OF THE FIRST ISSUE, SOMEONE HAD COMPUTER PROBLEMS.

Anyway, WHEDONISTAS LAUNCH. We had a decent sized panel, with lovely ladies such as Lynne Thomas, Deborah Stanish, Jane Espenson, Kelly Hale, Nancy Holder, Teresa Jusino, Racheline Maltese, Jenn Reese and ME.

One of these things is not like the other. I’LL LET YOU TAKE A WILD GUESS.

Since I am artsy, not writerly and didn’t contribute anything beyond the book cover, I said a few things and that was fine. I embarrassed myself a bit though. If anyone knows me personally, I do have memory problems, so I was trying to name episodes of Buffy that I enjoy. I said I tend to rewatch the silly episodes more than anything else and I started naming them, including “…that one Halloween one where everyone turns into their costumes…” And someone in the audience, in a beautifully comedic flat voice, goes “…Halloween?” Cue me facepalming. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

I did, however, admit that Joss’ mugshot numbers are INDEED the Numbers from Lost, sans 16 because I ran out of room and 15 and 16 are too close to one another.

Afterwards was signing autographs, which is still such a weird concept to me, especially since I’m a nobody. We ended up finishing kind of early, but some of the people in line bottlenecked at the end where Jane Espenson was to talk to her. At any rate, we were locked in the autograph room because the Craig Ferguson guys were right outside filming and I guess they didn’t want us interrupting? They wouldn’t even let me leave for the fucking bathroom. After about ten minutes of waiting, they opened the doors, I shouted out “FINALLY”, the camera crew and flocking fans all looked at me, but I couldn’t give a flying fuck because I bolted for the restroom. And that was all that I saw of those guys. We then had a Whedonistas contributor dinner at the hotel restaurant and I chatted to Nancy Holden for a while about our love for Disneyland.

SO ADORBS. One day, ONE DAY, I’d like to have a picture of me without Demon Eyes. Such is the fate of having green eyes.

Later on that night, calapine and I wandered to the Masquerade to see the results, but we were sucked into a very uncomfortable (and very LONG) game of Just a Minute where Ian McNeice continuously talked about his “UNIT”. I think we had to make a swift exit at some point when someone started singing “America the Beautiful”.


Sunday was chill. No panels to be on… I don’t think I actually even went to any, save for the one where Davison & Companions (including Matthew Waterhouse), just to see if there was a bloodbath. calapine and I sat next to each other for the Closing Ceremonies, where she (as well as many other people in the surrounding area) performed the Doctor Who dance from Craig Ferguson’s Lost Cold Open. I’M STILL SHOCKED that no one dressed up as them and performed it! SHOCKED. There was a plethora of Amys (a gaggle of Ponds?), plenty of femme!Doctors, and a billion fezzes. I still want to do my gender swap!Amy and Rory so I can dress as a gladiator. Davison’s video replayed and then IT WAS OVER.


Woke up and had breakfast with calapine and scarlettgirl and said my goodbyes before I skedaddled back to HB. lostsailors, as well as her parents, were visiting my folks and stayed an extra day. I was very exhausted the whole time, but we went on an adventure walk in the wetlands, which is something I’ve been meaning to do for years. We bird-watched and rabbit-watched and my aunt stopped every person walking their dog to play with them. We went out to dinner for pizza downtown and my dad and my uncle told stories about growing up and how they really did live in Mad Men world (my dad won’t watch the show because it “hits too close to home” for him. Not that I’m assuming that my grandfather was sleeping around, but… YOU KNOW. The drinking and working in NYC while my grandma took care of the kids in Connecticut. She may even shot at doves while in her nightgown, WHO KNOWS?)


Well… I already summed up Tuesday.

As a whole, a rather productive con! I made money and I got commissions and there may be a couple of Seekrit Projects in the works. HUZZAH. I also have a billion Whedonistas books that I have no clue what to do with aside from donating to libraries.

nonelvis and aimeekitty, it was so nice to put faces to screennames finally! And HELLO, NEW FRIENDS. I’ve noticed a couple of people friend me in the past few days. Please drop a line if we met at the con! I don’t think I got everyone’s LJ name and, as I mentioned above, I have a TERRIBLE memory.

And all you other jerks, YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU.

Don’t forget, the Gallifrey segment that was shot for the Late Late Show is on tonight (or technically, very early tomorrow morning). It’s safe to say that I won’t be in it at all, so I’ll be very eager to see what they did shoot!

Also, this comic is hilarious and accurate.

vacation, omg, who, gallifrey, con report, california

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