He's not really a doctor... like Dr. Phil!

Dec 01, 2010 19:29

I am not dead! Well, I’m mostly not dead. I fell into my “can’t sleep at cons” mode again, so tonight, here’s hoping I go to sleep at a decent time and feel more refreshed and rejuvenated by tomorrow. I’m already ridiculously behind on work and I have so much stuff to do in the next few weeks before I head to California for Christmas.

I’m in the midst of cleaning and unpacking, so I’ll do a quick overall write-up in numbered format:

1. Both nesting doll sets were sold. A year later and Gary Russell finally got his set and there was much rejoicing (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay). Tommy Knight, apparently, had been complaining earlier that there was no action figure version of Luke, so he saw tiny!Tommy and flipped. He took photos of the dolls, and when he wandered away for closing ceremony purposes, his mom swooped in like a ninja and bought them. Hurrah! She is a lovely lady.

2. I am *loving* this surge of femme!Doctors and TARDIS and Dalek!dresses trend because everyone is so creative with the designs. The winners of the masquerade were a Lady Gaga!TARDIS that was AMAZING as well as a Dalek:

We’re also trying to convince some of the guys to crossplay. Robert Smith? and I have ~plans~* to do girl!Rory and boy!Amy from “The Eleventh Hour.” I can absolutely sit around in scrubs all day.

* “plans” meaning that we thought about it for five minutes and that was it.

3. We had a CDTL panel and actual signing with a proper autograph queue and everything! I finally got my copy of CDTL since rarelylynne and michaeldthomas took it to get other contributors to sign it for me. I have almost everyone now! We’re like Pokemon. GOTTA COLLECT ‘EM ALL.

4. I’m slightly becoming more comfortable speaking in front of larger groups of people. I usually get very nervous and stammer and it’s not fun, but at the CDTL panel, I think I did all right. I also admitted that Matt Smith has become the Doctor I want to travel with. SO MUCH HAS CHANGED WITHIN A YEAR.

5. A second viewing of Toby Hadoke’s Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf was still good, though people in the audience were acting asshole-ish and talking loudly through the show and walking in and out of it. Some people need a lesson in theatre audience etiquette. A one-man show isn’t the same as a panel, folks!

6. rarelylynne helped create the ASL sign for “squee” at a previous con and she was able to teach the CDTL audience. Think Wallace’s hand movement (from Wallace & Gromit) when he’s excited about cheese.

7. I bought my first Big Finish CD. *pulls up the big girl pants* I tried out “The Company of Friends” if only it was A. Paul McGann talking into my ear for a couple of hours and B. one of the companions was a comic book companion that I had read in the complete Eighth Doctor comic strips. That’s pretty neat.

8. Oh oh oh! So at this con, the book Running Through Corridors by Rob Shearman and Toby Hadoke was released. It’s pretty awesome. Rob and Toby decided to watch every single episode of Doctor Who during the Specials year and they documented it. This is the first volume, covering the 60s.


What IS important is that I made a stick figure animated runcycle that’s in the top corner of each page, so when you flip through it, you see a little dude running. HOORAY FOR USING MY DEGREE FOR FUNSIES. Also, special thanks to Lars the Mad Norwegian and Christa for dealing with it as well as letting me accompany them when Rob and Toby saw the book for the first time.

And with this book in hand, I think I’m going to slowly start watching as many classic!episodes of Doctor Who as I can. I’m going to be Who’d out soon.

9. I managed to keep my spending under control and really only splurged on a couple of things. Especially on this:

I have a profound love for the posters created for Dr. Who and the Daleks, but they’re hard to find. But they actually HAD one at this con. I opted for the Invasion Earth because I liked the design better, there’s Bernard Cribbins AND there’s a teeny!TARDIS in the background.

10. I MISS EVERYONE ALREADY. All you jerks know who you are.

So now it's back to work and freaking out about deadlines like usual. My birthday is a week from Saturday so THANKFULLY, I won't be stressed and working on it like I was last year. Only a few more weeks and then it's time to relax FINALLY.

pics, chicago tardis, books, who, chicks dig time lords

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