How do you say 'we're screwed' in your native tongue?

Feb 20, 2010 13:27

So I finished Farscape.

HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LEAVE ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I think, in the back of my mind, that elrina753 or madkrazyghetto might have mentioned that there was a big cliffhanger that the series ends with, but I conveniently forgot it when Crichton proposed to Aeryn and I was like “Oh, that’s nice” and then SHIP COMES OUT OF NOWHERE, SHOOTS THEM, FREEZES THEM, AND THEY DISSOLVE. WTFFFFFFFFFFFF.

I have been assured that this is dealt with in the mini-series, but yes. I had a bit of a Moment.

Overall, I enjoyed it. It was something fun to watch while I worked, and because I was watching while I was working, I didn’t exactly pay the best attention to the show. So I’d miss something, and be all, “Wait, what?” and rewind.

And I more or less loved most of the crew of Moya *except* for Crichton. He had his moments, but for the most part, he just got on my nerves! You’d think a dude that would constantly refer to pop culture and dream in cartoon format would be my fave, but I just found him a bit annoying. DON’T HATE ME. Oh well. You can’t love them all.

But I liked the whole crew and then FUCKING ZHAAN HAD TO GO AND DIE. I miss your bald blue head, girl. Once that happened, the new crew members joined the cast and most of them were ANNOYING AS FUCK. Omg, whoever came up with Jool needs to be put away. I make it a rule of try and not bash characters because I can’t stand seeing it in the fandoms that I love (*coughcoughDOCTORWHOcoughcough*), but I found her to be the most irritable thing to ever grace the television. I liked Sikozu’s alien design, but that’s about it.

But enough of discussing who annoyed me. I loved Aeryn lots. Claudia Black is so pretty and I loved listening to her voice. I loved D’Argo once he loosened up a bit, especially when he tried giving Crichton dating advice. Chianna was adorable.

As far as episodes, I think the one I enjoyed most was the body swap episode. Yes, it’s a trope that has been done to death, but for some reason, this one clicked with me and I was lulzing the whole time. The entire ship has a body swap, and just when you’ve got everyone figured out, THEY SWITCH AGAIN.

So yes, overall, it was fun, which in the end, that’s what a show should be, yeah? Something to entertain you.


So now I have no clue what I should watch for the next couple of days before I leave. Methinks "The Middleman" is in order for... uh... research. =^^=

On a completely unrelated note, it seems like Ianto Jones has taken up figure skating.

tv, review

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