Apparently, there was some sort of Superbowl shindig or something last night? I took the weekend off (I'm waiting for that to come back and bite me in the ass) and instead, attended a Hamlet and The Asylum's Sherlock Holmes viewing party. Hamlet, as always, was lovely, but it's very hard for our group to keep our mouths shut watching something, so expect a commentary posting whenever I can get my hands on some screencaps.
The Asylum's Sherlock Holmes (yes, the one with GDL) is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever watched. Seriously. Don't bother watching it. Ever. And I've seen some pretty awful movies. Also expect commentary from that, too.
All in all, fun times. We ate dinosaur cupcakes and Meat Garage and pecan pie and I was sooooo sick by the time I went home.