Well, I'm back.

Sep 16, 2009 19:38

Just rolled in from Syracuse.

Had a lovely time visiting my Great Uncles Dan and Coy. It was my Great Uncle Dan's 81st birthday yesterday (he's my grandpa's younger brother), so it was fun to spend it with him.

I did a lot more, but I just had to mention this, though. So my mom went to bed early on Monday night and I stayed up (though I was exhausted) chatting with my great uncles. Not exactly sure HOW we got onto the subject, but I think they had asked what shows I liked to watch. I mentioned Doctor Who, but I introduced it like "Oh, do you remember that British sci-fi series from over 40 years ago?" They didn't watch it (they don't understand the appeal of sci-fi), but Coy casually asks "Oh, do you watch Torchwood, too?"

Apparently, my great uncles are huge John Barrowman fanboys. Coy races downstairs as I explained to Dan my contribution to CDTL, and he (Coy, that is) comes back and hands me Barrowman's autobiography to read. HILARIOUS.

I'm slightly amused and impressed that my 81-year-old uncle has watched Torchwood. Like I said, they don't particularly like sci-fi, so they only saw a couple of episodes. But still!

Naturally, we spent the next two days listening to Barrowman sing show tunes. And I now have a new book to read.

lol, real life, wtf, torchwood

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