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House of Cats from
Courtland Lomax on
Such a cute video and well-animated! The crystal filter is a tad distracting, and if you google the actual Swarovski crystals that this vid is promoting, they’re as ugly as all get out. But still, cute!
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U2 - I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight from
David OReilly on
The song is eh, but I find the animation neat. I love the layers. MMMMMM LAYERS.
And just for the lulz:
I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry. The word “sorry” has lost all meaning to me. Your apology will be unacceptable.
I’m heading up to Connecticut for my aunt’s memorial service tomorrow, so I’ll be MIA until Sunday evening, most likely. If anything exciting or newsworthy comes out of Comic Con, I am totally up for a text.