I gotta do something 'bout where we're going

Aug 18, 2008 15:02

Oh, I forgot to mention that doven, basalt and I are vacationing to Savannah next month for heaterz0r's wedding event of the year. It's been three years since I've been back (only three... really?), but I've missed that crazy messed-up town. It's going to be ridiculous amounts of fun, indeed. Although sadly, I don't think many of my animation professors work there anymore, so I can't be like "O HAI GUYS, I HAVE A JOB IN THE INDUSTRY." Oh well.

If any of these rumors are true, I would start skipping down the street (possible rumors for the 2009 Who specials).

Saturday was Mario Party day. I discovered that I'm quite... er... vocal when I play Super Smash Bros. on the Wii (as we could be heard down the street, yelling at the TV). doven and basalt made pulled pork and we blarged around in food comas and watched the Super Mario Bros. movie. Yes. I own it. And it's just as awesome as when I saw it fifteen years ago.

I spent yesterday being lazy, watching Long Way Round (thanks macbeemer!) and drawing for a certain comic. Apologies if anyone here cares that it's been so long. I'm about 75% done with the next installment, but I left the harder things for the end. I'm not going to give an idea of when I'll be done by, but yeah. Some time this year? But yes, Long Way Round. I'm slightly late in watching this series, but that was quite enjoyable. And I thought it wasn't possible for me to like Ewan MacGregor any more than I do now. I need to watch Long Way Down.

O is for Ood (claimed by jisuk) I like the Ood. For an alien species created for the New Series (rather than just reusing one from the Classic Series), I find them quite interesting. I like that their eyes are slanted so they blink at an diagonal. I was glad to see a reappearance of them this season. This reminds me: 500year_diary is doing a “Hug Your Ood” meme. I should partake.

I will be very happy indeed if I never see another Slitheen again. DO NOT WANT.

P is for Pools (claimed by renn) I miss swimming in pools. I didn't have one growing up, but every house surrounding mine did. During the summer when families would go on vacation, we'd get the "watch our house AKA use our pool" privilege. Our pools were never deeper than six feet because the water table where we lived was so high.

When we moved to SotG (LOL I just used an abbrev. for our housing community… FAIL), our new house backed up to the community pool. Each “block” of houses had its own pool, so there were probably four to five of them in the area. The nice thing was that no one hardly used it, so during the summer, Neens and I would debate whether or not we’d want to sit by the pool or go to the beach. Pool, being about twenty yards away, usually won. It’s a nice pool.

Of course, now I’m kicking myself for taking advantage of my close proximity to the beach and pool availability. There’s one giant pool in my area in the park, but just the thought of all those people there makes me shudder. Then again, I’m not exactly in the right state of mind wearing nothing but a bathing suit all summer anymore. Sigh. Those were the days.

Update: As I'm going to California in a few days, I'm going to most definitely use the advantage of that pool.

Q is for Quotes (claimed by b_c_draygon) The quote that has always stuck in my head was from a pencil I had in elementary school from a surf shop. "Do what you love, love what you do." No idea who said it, but very simple words to live by, I think.

I also rather like this one I found during my subway commute, randomly:

There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born there, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size, its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter--the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something. Of these trembling cities the greatest is the last--the city of final destination, the city that is a goal. It is this third city that accounts for New York’s high strung disposition, its poetical deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements. Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness, natives give it solidity and continuity, but the settlers give it passion.

- E.B. White "Here is New York" (1948)

R is for Rose (claimed by par_tay) SEE HERE - I wonder if I should update this, since it was written before the S4 finale when Rose actually showed up.

S is for Spoilers (claimed by magebear) I have a mixed relationship with spoilers. When I was in college, I had NO problem reading them. I remember a site that told me months in advance that in S6 of Buffy, one character was going to die and the other would be the Big Bad of the season. I thought “YEAH RIGHT” and lo! It happened.

Now, since I'm very much into the Who universe of things, I'm a bit more cautious. If it's far off into the future, I'll read spoilers. Given the length of time, I don't have to fret about whether or not it's true. But if it's a lot closer to when an actual episode is going to air, I hold out and avoid them.

It depends on the show, too. Doctor Who? Sure, I'll read them. Torchwood? Definitely. Lost? HELL. NO. I've been on that ride far too long to jump all the way to the end. I can wait and be surprised. I don't even read theories because one I read A YEAR before this season's started guessed quite a few things that occurred (mostly, all the time traveling stuff). And basalt and I read a theory before the A2A finale that the guy rescuing min!Alex was actually Gene Hunt and then it happened and I was slightly disappointed in knowing. I like being surprised!

doctor who, real life, meme

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