Fanart - Adventure, Ho!

Jul 17, 2008 10:59

Title: Adventure, Ho!
Artist: jigglykat
Rating: G
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Two, Jamie, Rose, Nine
Disclaimer: Characters used are owned by the BBC.
Warning: Fairly big picture under the cut.
Spoilers: None.
Notes: This is a present for herk227 for the Doctor Who Art Exchange at 500year_diary. herk227 wanted "Nine or Two with their companions (Rose, Jack /Jamie)". I went a step further.

And in other news, I'm seeing The Dark Knight at 6 am tomorrow morning. 6 AM. Which means I have to get up at 4 am. The things I do for geekery.

And I'm falling asleep at my desk because I thought it was a good idea to stay up late and finish reading The Time Traveler's Wife.

geek, silly, fanart, random, who

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