(no subject)

Oct 28, 2005 10:22

In the past few weeks, I've done some stupid stoof which I blame on the fact I'm blonde;

* Smashing glass bottles. Once this morning. Pissed off with myself that I can be so clumsy. Normally involves soy sauce or chicken marinades I haven't used yet! Therfore the kitchen currently still smells a tiny bit of Carribean whatnot

* leaving expensive magazines on buses. Bought another one though

* gone off food (make me learn eh?)

* washing clothes twice as the first time around I forgot to add washing powder so it I looked like a clean obsessive to the lass watching me in the laundry room. Only done it the once but I felt like such a pillack. I blame my mum as she was waffaling on about something on the phone as I was doing it.

I'm ignoring my post aswell. Theres 3 envelopes about tv licenses. EEk! I just left them there. I guess they actually want us to pay it. Fuck! as I'm gonna go into my overdraft shortly. Its to be expected really.
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