(no subject)

Oct 24, 2005 16:27

My eyes hurt.

Anyway, my weekend was rather dull, most of the flat pissed off home so I was mainly left with Rick who just comments if there are any fit girls in films/programmes.

We watched "Clueless" together on Saturday night, out of boredom as we have cable. Not that I haven't been here a month already and we like having missing channels or a shite picture or 2 itv's!! >:( Plus I was looking forward to watching local news to see how it compares to the news down south and we get BBC London. What a disappointment. I'm being serious here.

I bought some clothes though, some burgany Dr Martens as I've been wanting some of about 3 years, shirt as usual, waistcoat, skinny grey jeans and other things. Cheered me up abit which sounds oh so more sad.

I have "progression" week next week, well it tehnically starts this Thursday. My mum's been wondering if I'm coming home. I said only to get clothes, cds and birthday money (if I have any that is). Apparenty my dad wants to get me a present but I just asked him to get me some money as I need a coat/jeans. I have told a few friends that I'll be back down but I dunno what they are up to.

I know I'll see Gem and Lindsay as I think theres some pub gubbins going on, I may get to see Lyn and Rachel if I catch them when they are not working. The 3 R's will be a no as well...I just know it will. If any of you guys are reading this, night out in Bristol on Sat?!..I'm gonna email people

I should be reading stoof that week, so hmm..I guess I should do some as I've done fuck all since I've been here except lay in bed watching The Wicker Man and whining at Jon. Ohh and eating peanuts.

Thomas is ill. Hes got a cold/cough thing going on which has gradually got worse over the last week. When he gets over excited he coughs loads and bes sick. He hasn't quite managed the art of blowing his nose as his mouth is usually open so the phelgm just trickles down the back of his throat. Hence coughing fits when he wakes up. Today hes been stuck indoors, hes frustrated with himself as hes a bit weak and bored. Raining in Bristol and here, but here its no surprise.

Halloween is soon! Jon has 2 pumpkins (one is white)he's gonna carve faces on. I love that. eeeee!
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