Mar 22, 2007 13:42

I have been following the exercise plan in Yourself! Fitness for a couple of weeks instead of doing StepMania, and yesterday was my first physical challenge. Sadly, it had less to do with whipped cream and more to do with repepating the tests from day one to see if I have made any progress. My weight is the same as two weeks ago, and I was already at the upper limit of number of squats it would accept. My pulse also hasn't changed. I can do two more pushups, and four less crunches (though I think the latter is from having a better idea what a crunch should be rather than losing ability), and flexibility is too granular for me to tell anything.

qarylla is in NYC knitting and hanging out with skatedate, so I plan to go to Davis to deposit a check (and hopefully not spend money at Your Move Games) and then go through some music prevenger gave me to decide what goes on the MP3 player.

exercise, video games

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