If only changing clothes was as easy as a palette swap...

Mar 06, 2007 10:59

qarylla and I got a video game over the weekend that's kicking my ass.

Yourself! Fitness

We both went through the assessment on Sunday night (enter age, weight, number of pushups/crunches/etc. you can do) and it makes a personalized exercise plan for you, complete with meals if you'd like. When you load the game, Maya, the virtual trainer/sadist leads a workout, and it tracks your progress.

I'm not sure how it will go in the long run, but right now I am still hurting form yesterday. It offered me 32 minutes of cardio; I got 17 before falling over. My quadriceps hurt most of yesterday; today they've been joined my my calves. And these are the body parts that should be in good shape thanks to all the StepMania!

Walking has been hard today, and using the weird muscle relief heating gel was not so bright because it was cold enough outside to cancel any benefits I was deriving from having a liquid on my legs.

exercise, video games

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