Being on again, off again sick for the weekend has gotten rid of my holiday weight. I know "blorf" is not a safe or sustainable weight loss strategy, but I'll take the bump and run (or StepMania) with it.
Saturday was ninja shopping day. I picked up a suit that I'm not going to swim in. Surprisingly, it wasn't at Filene's Basement (only ugly things in 38/40S) or the store that was closing (too late) but plain old Macy's. Borders was out of stock of most of the books I wanted, so I mostly took advantage of their "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" DVD sale for the month to get Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, March of the Penguins, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Animaniacs volume 2. The clerk was nice enough to make HP (the 2nd most expensive) the free one by the simple expedient of not scanning it, which makes me feel better about getting the super-shiny edition (the regualr wasn't available).
I did, however, find
Cathy's Book: If found call (650) 266-8233. It's supposed to read like an ARG, but you don't actually need to do anything except read the full text to get all the answers. It does include lots of websites, another phone number and copes of all the bits of evidence that are mentioned in the book, plus a comic strip where Grimace plays the role of PMS - but none of them are required unless you just try to solve the puzzle by the earliest page possible. It was interesting/short enough for me to read it in its entirety over the weekend, but not much more than a standard YA "what's the big secret?" book in the end.