Random pre-lunch musings

Aug 01, 2006 12:47

My pants are coming unhemmed. The only good tailor I ever found is effectively out of business.

1. Get better at ice skating
2. Join

[Edit 01 August 2006 @ 3:50 pm] - Or (thanks qarylla):
1a. Get better inline skates
2a. Join

I have an actual assignment from Netjak (the icon is a hint). Complete with deadline and possible grilling by the staff. On the other hand, maybe I'll get the banner for a week or so.

It's not too late to join my fantasy football league - though it may be someday. Just bring a friend if you do, since the leage will explode if there's an odd number of teams on Sunday at 1 AM.

Got the results of my bloodwork. Total cholesterol is back in the normal range, triglycerides have moved from "very high" to "high" (just need to halve them twice more to reach normal!). Mission continues.

I found a place to buy Rockman.EXE Catan Standard, possibly for no more than a plain old English copy of Settlers would cost. I just have to learn a smidge of Japanese to determine how much it will cost to have it sent here.

diet, sports, games, video games, writing

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