(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 13:54

One more paragraph of Netjak before I have to start doing real writing or give it up.

Sometimes I think this job gives me a speech impediment. Usually I realize that I am very much not good at the English. Of course, it doesn't help that the last three people I've had to talk to spoke Spanish only, Spanish only and some language I couldn't identify only.

I've been actually counting calories for the last week, instead of the vague "trying to eat better" diet plan (my exercise habits are decent - no tgreat, but not the real source of my weight problem either). I seem to have two settings: "I need two more servings of ice cream to hit my minimum" and "Dear Lord, I ate that?" Today my frozen lunch had less calories than my breakfast (which was instant oatmeal packet, so that's saying something), so I added Cheetos - which will be about 1/3 of my day's calories.

Tomorrow is danger, Konditor Meister style. But since I am the person who dislikes chocolate without actually being allergic, and the cake is about 90% chocolate, I should fare decently.

Also, 110 fluid ounces of water is a lot.

qarylla and I swam in Lake Sunset (~1/2 mile from home) last weekend. Very nice temperature, not too busy. Anyone want to join us for aquatic fun sometime?

diet, work, exercise, writing

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