Jan 27, 2005 15:39
It's funny how inspiration can just hit you out the blue. No warning, just, bam! Idea! And suddenly I'm wondering what makes a person like Spike. What weight is he carrying? It's funny, especially, because you can always tell a good idea from shit in your brain. If it stops you dead in your thought-track, makes you wonder and think, and try to figure it out... then yeah, it's a good idea. Isn't worth a shit unless you write it down or share it with someone who will, but still, good ideas are hard to come by in our little inbred world, and I say that with much love because most people would rather not think anyway. I'm sure Henry Ford made a quote about it, but I'm also sure I don't remember the quote at all.
So I went to the apartment today, sat on the steps for a little while, and realized that I have a Japanese girl living upstairs. And not just any girl.... it's Ms. Fashionable, the girl we've commented on in the gameroom because she's always wearing high-heeled boots, and really, really fashionable. Hahahaha, that's so funny. She lives right upstairs.
Anywho... gonna go now. Just on here because I'm really bored and I forgot my math book and math journal, so studying is quite impossible. Dammit.
Hahaha, Randy loves me more than Pat. ^^