the adventures of liz and kelly

Apr 02, 2006 22:31

once upon a time liz i,u,we-thoven came to kelly's dorm to work on their favorite thing ever...chem lab. liz and kelly worked on these fun labs for three and a half hours while listening to some of the best 80s music known to man. they started getting hungry so they went to liz's dorm in search of food, but alas, there was none. so the two of them set off for wendys, eat great even late. after some wonderfully greasy chicken nuggets and fries, they tried to leave wendys, but found that they were locked in. kelly, in a panic, screams "THEY WANT TO KILL US!" liz assures kelly that the friendly staff of wendys is not trying to kill them. so they wait while the fat, bald man tries to get out and he played with the lock for a while and eurika! the door was opened. then it came time for the crossing of tennessee street...*dun dun dun* there were no cars coming and a big semi stopped at a red light. now kelly had no intention of crossing the street until liz said "if we go right now, we can make it" so kelly takes a step out into the street and liz starts yelling "GREEN LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT!" and all of the sudden the large semi is coming straight for kelly. so she runs to the median where more cars are coming the opposite direction. the cars stop and kelly runs to the side of the road, while liz is still on the far side laughing hysterically at kelly. liz finally makes it across big scary tennessee street and then the two go through the jungle, and go back to the safety of kelly's dorm, where liz works on some more wonderful chem lab and kelly begins to write her english paper.


the end.
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