Mar 01, 2006 20:38
Oh my gosh, it was *77 degrees* out today! It is hard to believe that less than two weeks ago it didn't get above 20 degrees for four days and I spent the weekend hauling and chopping water for the animals.
I am starting to believe that Spring is really and truly almost here. For the last couple of weeks the birds have started to really SING, not just make random birdy noises. The robins have shown up in force and I have seen a few Meadow Larks. Assorted plants have started popping up, although the goats think that most of them are tasty treats! And it just SMELLS like Spring, even when it's pretty chilly, the air feels and smells like Spring. I will be starting some of my garden seeds this week, notably the six kinds of tomatoes and the 4 kinds of peppers so that they will be ready when the last chance of frost is gone and they can take up residence in the garden proper.
In about six weeks the two Maremma puppies will have new kids to learn how to be guard dogs with. The goaty girls are really stating to get big with their kids. The puppies, Sofie & Pan, are now about 10 weeks old, and getting HUGE. They are following us around, starting to come when they are called and spending a great deal of time getting to know the goats and getting the goats used to them. It seems to be working, the goats are far less suspicious of the interlopers in *their* barn. Not to say the goats don't still try to teach the puppies that GOATS are in charge, but luckily, the pups know better!