Waiting for Wednesday

Feb 28, 2007 22:25

* February 28th…and I’m still on the alternate list waiting. I zipped my fleece over my head, and hid in the darkness... laughing and crying at the same time. Catharsis…heal me. Lord...help me understand your reasons.
* So I'm keeping my options open in lieu of above. Interviewing for a park service position at Grand Tetons National Park, WY on Friday. One of the most iconic places I've ever visited, I vowed to return one day... I'm also applying for a 6 month language/cultural immersion program in Guatemala geared towards minimizing healthcare disparities in minority/poverty populations. Ya know...gotta be smart in case school doesn't work out in my favor this year.
* Gigi’s Friday night with Alex. Seven jeans, vintage Mickey Mouse tee, and a fedora…I looked good! Finally a gay club that doesn’t play all techno...drag queens still kinda scare me though.
* Sunday afternoon done easy: eating homemade blueberry muffins and jam scones, reading the Sunday New York Times, and dog walking with Lang downtown through the dreary afternoon… feels like a JCrew ad, doesn’t it?
* First time climbing again in over a month...injected a bolt of energy right in me. Dominated the 5.9s! … And working on my finger strengths.

P.S. Just on da downlow: I watched an entire episode of The Agency on mah iPod while taking a workpoo da other day. Definitely helped to ease da discomfort of #2 in a public restroom. Muahahah...shhhh.
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