[insert lame emotastic title here]

Apr 04, 2004 13:02

"I figured out what I don't like about AIM (and LJ, to an extent): It is too easy to be passive-agressive. I've done it, and a lot of people do it. Profiles are a weapon; away messages are destructive; LiveJournals can wound. It is not healthy to express anger and resent indirectly. CONFRONT AND BE HONEST."

words of widsom from Lisa Landry. I couldn't have said it better myself so it alone is worth a repost. I haven't even been subject to thinking about this recently, but I still do totally feel this way. Well put Lisa.

Well since I'm bothering to post, there must be SOMEthing interesting for me to say while I'm at it... hmm....... nope. But I guess I'll just ramble about stupid shit for those who are interested. Yesterday me and Tom FLEW down 95 and got to the box office RIGHT before it closed and barely got some Sevendust-Cold tickets. exhilerating i know. then i bring my car to NTB to get a realignment cuz even I knew it needed one bad. While its there, we walk to the mall cuz its close, and I pay my first visit to a hair solon/barber/anything in ONE month short of FIVE years. no joke. since I had friends cut off the big shit, it hasn't been touched. Yeah so it looks like total butthole. If I saw me walkin around, I'd want to punch me in the face. Oh well. Guess I'll just not get one for another four years ;) It gets better, when I get back to NTB, the guy chuckles when he sees me and hops off his seat. "We couldnt do your realingment. *sigh* You need...." the guy continues for about two whole minuites straight listing what my car needs for just safety alone, AND for him to even start doing the job OF realigning. So basically unless I want to pay $2000 (rough estimate) on JUST parts, my Buick's axels are going to snap. Well he didn't say that, but when I have that many parts in my car non-functional, something bad is going to happen. Anyway, so yes, that's right, the Buick is done :( she has run her course and if you would like to say your goodbyes I completely understand and may do so sometime soon. and with that, ...shit.. I rambled for more then I thought I would. glad i could waste your time!! :O)
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