Mar 26, 2006 12:30
If you remember this speech this dates you...some of you will claim to remember it, but you weren't've just heard us talk about it so much, that you think you were there..
The following is vintage Neal Flum...This speech should go down in Alabama football history right along side the Bear Bryant "I ain't never been nothing but a winner speech."
"Tonight, when you get up and ready to go on the field and you get your horn into position and you're ready to go, I want you to think of two words...two and two words only.
This comes right from Sportscenter.
"En Fuego".
En fuego, on fire. You should have that burning passion and desire inside of you tonight to perform.
We're not competing, we are performing. And I would hope that when you are done, not only will you say, En Fuego, but you will say I just did an incredible peformance and I am utterly proud of myself, the band, and everyone else.
I, I do not misstate my case when I say I have never been happier in my life. I am so proud to work for this university, with Ms. Scott, the staff, with you folks.
I hope, I wish I could share with you my energy and desire to perform, but I don't have to do that...because I know that tonight you will all be:
[Band: En Fuego]...
Muchos Gracias
These words, my friends, are vintage MDB.