Apr 21, 2005 23:39
Hello to all of my loyal fans!!! Thank you for reading all of my ramblings over the past...well...the week that I wrote something. An update is finally necessary.
I am having a blast with my student teaching. It is going very well. Hopefully, I'll have a job soon. Keep me updated. Let me know if your band director has retired or whatever else. I'm still looking for high school or middle school.
Now for the real reason behind this update...
Never in my five years of marching in the University of Alabama Million Dollar Band have I heard so much bullshit. You're a freshman, get over it!!! What am I referring to? Leadership 2005!!!
I have never seen so many friends turn on each other. I have never seen people degrade people who obviously have nothing to do with anything. Guess what??? I did not make any recommendations. I do not talk to Dr. O. about the section. He did not ask my opinion; therefore, I did not give it.
I am really starting to lose respect for some people that I thought were friends. All you are doing is proving to Dr. O. why he didn't pick you. This is so childish.
Fine, if you don't like Phi Mu Alpha, you don't Phi Mu Alpha. However, do not attack the integrity of the people in the organization. If you think there is a "good ole boy" network or that Phi Mu Alpha is the "Machine" of the music building. You're flat wrong. If you think Phi Mu Alpha will get you a foot in the door, I welcome you to pledge. Guess what??? We didn't really recruit anyone this semester, people came to us. Phi Mu Alpha is a music fraternity, but you don't have to be a music major to be in Phi Mu Alpha. We take just about anybody who wants to pledge. If you think that's going to get you a foot in the door, we welcome you to pledge in the fall. All you need to do is ask or wait for us to make an announcement or something at band one day.
Finally, you may be saying to yourself "David's a music major and in Phi Mu Alpha and was in leadership. He has no room to be talking. His opinion is biased." Well, unlike some of you, this is not my first year in band. Let's talk about the good old days when there was a sort of good ole boy network.
First Leadership Announcement: disappointed--Cole (whose brother was one of Ms. Scott's favorite people and drum majors) was chosen as Lieutenant.
Second Leadership Announcement: disappointed--good friend SeaBass and Freddy was chosen--disappointed, a little
Third Leadership Announcement: Just happy to finally be chosen, didn't care if I was the head or not
Fourth Leadership Announcement: Mr. Bender was chosen, disappointed--you bet...I thought I was more qualified--after all, I was a music major, a fifth year senior, and in Phi Mu Alpha, Symphonic Band, and CMENC...do those things make a difference...I don't know...but I do know that Travis did work a little harder the year before, slightly because I had other obligations that would prevent me from doing pep bands and other extra things
Why do I say all of this? Your time will come. It doesn't take a position to show that you're a leader. I love everybody and this too shall pass.
What do they say at the University of Alabama Main campus in Tuscaloosa the Crimson Tide with the most USA Today Academic All-Americans even beating Harvard?
Go Bama, Roll Tide