Okay, so I saw commercials for the new FOX show More to Love, and like many others I was appalled. But possibly not in the same way that other people were. Until I saw the blog Fatshionista!, which is part of the self-proclaimed Fat-o-sphere. She describes the show in such trivial detail that you don't even have to watch it (but if you're like me, you'll want to anyway for more lolz).
She seriously cracks me up, not because she makes fun of the people on the show, really, but the depiction the show has of fat people. As seen in this quote from episode 5:
"Back at the laydee farm, the laydeez decide to make Luke cupcakes, which they will leave for him to find when he gets back from his date. Clearly, the laydeez are compelled to make cupcakes because they’re fat. And fat people make cupcakes. It’s what we do. Like baby sea turtles instinctively seeking out the ocean after hatching, cupcake-preparation is our deepest instinct, so inherent to our being that we are barely aware of its influence. Deep in the genetic memory of every fat woman there is an ingrained knowledge of cupcake-making, going back to our early fat ancestors, who baked cupcakes made of rocks over a fire in a cave. Cupcakes are a critical part of the rich legacy of the Fat Race; nay, cupcakes are the very axis on which the world of the Fat turns! So it has always been and so it will continue to be. Fat people & cupcakes are a partnership older than TIME ITSELF."
...As well as her astute observations of Luke, the "bachelor," who does not seem to be the chubby-chaser that the show tries to make him out to be, but rather, a man who likes to use insecurity to his advantage to manipulate women and control relationships. And some insecure women happen to be fat.
"Of course, if there is a couch within a fifty-mile radius these fatties will find it and sit on it, so they’re encouched as usual when Melissa asks if he thinks it would be hard for him to be with a woman who’s shy. LIE, LUKE! “No, I think it’s possible for a woman to be shy or reserved, yet confident. I need a woman who’s confident in herself.” My husband is baffled by this comment so I explain to him my armchair-psychologist assessment: that Luke doesn’t really want a woman who’s confident already, but a woman he can make confident through compliments and positive attention, so that way her confidence is dependent on Luke’s presence in her life. If she loses him, she loses the confidence he’s given her, because that confidence wasn’t something she cultivated organically within herself, but something that was dependent on having him around to periodically reinforce it. It’s a delicious little method for keeping someone in a relationship with you and it’s not restricted to use by skeevy Ken dolls like Luke, but can happen in lots of circumstances. Regardless, no matter the situation, it’s unhealthy and plain old fucked up."
Anyway... yeah you can read the rest on the site if you want. And did I mention that she renamed the show (and photoshopped a new promo poster) as
"Fat Chicks Crying"?
Yeah. I love this woman.