hmmm...interesting night!!

Nov 05, 2004 23:51

wow! so yeah...tonight at work was really interesting. so this big group of black guys comes through my line and sit behind me at the table right there. one of them gets up and comes back into my line, bends down and picks up a phone. of course i assumed it was his, i mean why would he just randomly pick up a phone that wasn't his ya know? well he goes back to his table and asks his buddies if the phone is any of theirs, they all say no, so i expected them to bring the phone to me or the other cashier saying that they found it. no...they didn't. well about 15-20 minutes later this guy comes up to me and asks me if i found his phone. i say no i didn't, but i think that the guys sitting right behind me have found it and tell him to go and talk to them. he does and they originally deny finding any phone. the guy that i saw pick up the phone comes back to the table so i tell him to ask him about it. well...he tells him that he did find his phone, but he wouldn't tell him where it was, or what his name is. so naturally you know the kid is lying. the owner of the phone was furious with the whole lot of them, he had us call a manager and try to get the whole thing sorted out.

so we call a manager and they all start talking to each other, getting their sides of the stories. then the shit hit the fan...all of the guys were shouting and complaining about me and how i lied and didn't see anyone pick a phone up and calling me all these different names. it sucked!!! so they all leave before the police get there with the kid's phone. the police come and he fills out a report, and then they have me fill out a report because i was a witness. so about 20 minutes later one of the guys that was causing all of the trouble comes back in and gives the phone to our manager dereck, claiming that he found it in the napkins...he sits down and just acts as though nothing has happened. then dereck and the cop go over to talk to him because dereck's pissed that this kind of behavior happened. so once again, he starts calling me a bunch of names and calling me a liar and all this shit!! so i had like 6 black guys, that were on the basketball team mad at me tonight because i got them in trouble.
it was kinda unnerving at the same time because of the way that they were acting. it was a little scary. to top everything off, on my way back to my room, i see the guy that turned the phone back in!! he stared me down and muttered something under his breath that i didn't catch. and he came out of the door to my dorms. so yeah...i was a little worried about what might happen to me. it was a weird night like i said.

well...joe will be here in a few minutes. he's coming up to get his transmission from my dad so he can work on it at school or something...he's bringing his roommate mat, so it should be interesting figuring out where everyone is sleeping.

i work tomorrow 12:15-4, and then tomorrow night i'm going to my friends party that he's throwing. i guess it's for his friend's birthday or something, but he still invited me to come along. so i'm thinking i might be getting a little drunk tomorrow night. haven't really decided yet. prolly will tho...yeah so anyways, gonna go and finish watching aladdin. :oP very fun!!!!
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