Oct 27, 2009 21:06
Can't believe it's almost the end of October...but in a way thank god time is going by fast. The past month or two has been pretty horrible. For the first time in my life, i am failing nursing. The first exam was pretty bad but you would think a 74 isn't that bad...well it wasn't good enough. THings didn't get better after that...again you would think a 70 isn't all that bad...well it made things even worse! I have never studied so much in my life for an exam...over 60 hours of my time spent learning all this crap and somehow i am just doing horribly. we had our third exam this past monday and i finally passed with an 82 which brought my average up to a 75...but again still failing...not a 77. I am going to fight till the end because I have come way too far to give up now so everyone please hope that I pass this semester! it's so stressful and such a scary thought....
other than school which has consumed 98% of my life, everything else is pretty good. the rest of the 2% is consumed by my friends which i don't really see that much anymore since we have become bums and rob. Things with Rob have been absolutley amazing. amazing is really the only word to describe him. so far, he is perfect for me in every way. we really compliment each other well. its amazing how fast we've fallen for each other. he's been awesome with me being in school and a nutcase!
so that's pretty much life...oh and i'm really poor since i barely work anymore...sigh...is it december 7th yet?