In theory...

May 04, 2010 21:12

Day 27, month 8, turn 22 of the 10th Interval: Hot Springs, Fort Weyr

Jiella goes to bathe Orisoth, but ends up with a potentially difficult discussion on her hands.

The storm that washed through earlier has faded away and for a while, T'rev had company here in the form of Fort's junior weyrwoman. There may just have been some splashing around soaping up. Now though, T'rev soaks by himself in one of the smaller pools after Hattie's departure, arms stretched along the pool's edge, gaze fixed on the ceiling. Mecaith is nowhere to be seen though the observant may have noticed the bronze floating out in the lake with Elaruth earlier.

Not in love with the wet, even if it's only down to light rain and even if it /is/ in the summer, Jiella might be seeking a respite from it in the baths with Orisoth not far behind; it's not like the the tall curvy blonde exactly deigns to go bathing with other people if she can avoid it (or unless she's in the mood for attention) now that she has access to very-nearly-her-own bath. Casting a baleful look over her shoulder, she lets the brown precede her as he makes his way into the water slowly.

The sound of a dragon entering the water in the bigger pool turns T'rev's gaze down from the ceiling and where he was thoughtful a moment before, his expression shifts to admiration. The Weyrleader's arms fold beneath his chin, body turning in the pool so that he's leaning on the edge facing outward now. "Heya," he drawls out quietly enough that it's not shouting, but loudly enough to be heard.

Orisoth doesn't exactly try to be quiet about his ponderous entry into the pool either, and on being observed offers up a pleasant rumble of greeting for the bronzerider. As for his rider, Jiella glances over T'rev's way, hearing him easily enough with the water and echoes and all. With a brilliant smile, "Heya yourself." There'll be more to admire in a moment or two, as she turns to drop her basket of cleaning supplies and ditch her clothes. "How're you?"

Unashamedly, T'rev admires all the rest too, though there's a slight quirk in his grin as he does so. Look, but don't touch. "Had better days," is the mild answer to her question. "Need help gettin' your back clean?" is the perhaps, predictable offer. "Heya Orisoth," is also offered over toward the brown in answer to his rumbled greeting.

Jiella is never overly bothered by admiration, but for the sake of propriety, she does wrap a towel around her curves for walking around. It might be effectively distracting in how it covers what was blatantly obvious but moments before. With her basket in hand, bare feet slap against rock as she saunters over to T'rev's pool, affecting a sympathetic pout. "Aw. That's too bad. And I'm not here for me, I'm here for him. Besides, you look pretty relaxed." Orisoth, for his part, floats.

"Ahh. Scrubbed Mec down earlier in the lake. And then the sky decided to open up and drop thunder and lightning on my head," T'rev notes with a slight smile and ducks his head, one hand running through damp-but-drying curls. "This ... might sound kind of odd, but have you seen your Da lately, Jie?" And slowly, brown eyes lift up to Jiella's face rather than all those curves.

With a wrinkle of her nose, Jiella complains, "I don't like the rain. I can't lie in the sun, and it's cold and wet." Sighing a touch for being so put upon on this particular day, the blonde tilts her head curiously as T'rev asks his question and takes a seat on the edge of the pool, dangling long legs in the warm water. "Why is that odd? I mean, it's like, how's your family, sort of, isn't it? And recently, not so much. I was home for my turnday last month - I think that's the last time he was up here."

"It ain't cold," T'rev does point out, though his chin is still pillowed atop his hands. "Not ... really," the Weyrleader says slowly and nods a few times as she explains when she last saw her family. "Though ... I guess ... how /did/ things seem, when you were there? Notice any tension or anything?"

"It's cold when you get wet," Jiella points out, with a little moue of disgust - though that fades when T'rev notes that it's not precisely the usual inquiry after one's family. Light brows furrowing, the blonde swings her legs in the water idly and shrugs. Lightly, "No more or less so than usual around there, I think. Things seemed fine, I suppose..." She glances over Orisoth's way briefly, asking, "Why? Is there something going on?"

T'rev's hand slides up to the back of his neck and he looks off in the direction of the bigger pool, takes a breath, lets it out slowly. "Maybe, can't be sure yet," he offers up to Jiella. "So nothing unusual happened while you were at home? I'll take that as a good thing." His smile though is small, rueful.

With a mild grimace, "I know something's got people on edge at the Hold, seems like. Maybe it's like, spreading." Jiella tries not to look too irritated with the focus on her home given that, but just shrugs again diffidently, glancing back T'rev's way. "It's hard to say what's unusual or not with my family or my father, but I think I can safely say that the only thing that caused him stress last time we talked was me." Her smile is only a little rueful, mostly amused.

T'rev blows out a breath and nods as Jiella goes on. "I'm sorry ... I had to ask. Trust your opinion and all," the Weyrleader says with a smile up at the brownrider. "I guess ... just trust I had reasons to. There's definitely something going on at the Hold and I'd heard there was a possibility your Da was involved."

"No, it's okay," Jiella sighs, waving it off, shaking her head. Looking down at the water, "Just a little irritable about something still, I guess. And I can trust that there's reasons to. I don't know everything my father gets up to, but..." She considers a moment before looking up towards T'rev to note rather carefully, "I wouldn't doubt that not all his business is totally legitimate." She clearly doesn't like having this conversation, but she's intent on continuing it, even if she does it while rearranging her basket.

"Not ... legitimate?" T'rev queries, brow wrinkling and he watches Jiella's basket contents moving around with a troubled expression. "What kind of not legitimate d'you mean?"

"How would I know?" Jiella is, as always, quick to change her mind - apparently she finds the brush she's looking for, tossing it up and catching it in one hand. With a flash of a smile for that and an apologetic shrug for T'rev, "Just a guess, and likely not a good one. Not like I ever pay much attention to that sort of thing - or like I did when I was at home."

"Because you know your father and once upon a time he sent you after me, remember?" T'rev says quietly and looks up at her, searching her face. "I thought maybe you might understand him better than some."

Full lips quirking a touch, "In theory, children know their parents. I really don't." Jiella examines the bristles on the brush with the critical eye of a woman accustomed to the best, her expression mostly occupied with her task - but perhaps a little unsettled. "Better than some, I'll grant you. But that's not saying much. If you want me to speak to him, though, I will."

T'rev's fingers drum on the edge of the pool, expression abstracted, like he's thinking through it all. "I'm not sure if speaking to him directly will help or not. I mean ... what's he going to say if someone walks up to him and asks point blank if he helped Esraval to buy off parts of the Conclave?"

"Well, I didn't mean, like... asking him something like that," Jiella notes, glancing from the brush to T'rev, then to the drumming fingers. Light brows furrowing again, marring her pretty brow, "I just meant seeing how things were at the moment, or looking for... something." Narrow eyes flick to the brush in her hand again before, "I ought to get to Orisoth. But." She pushes to her feet slowly, thinking over her words before, a bit helplessly, "It's still my /father/."

"Something," T'rev says with a slow nod and rubs at his jaw. "If ... you feel comfortable doing that," he adds and his forehead creases at that last. "I know, Jiella. I know. Just -- he could be mixed up in or responsible for some really bad stuff. I hope it's not true, but the possibility's there," he concludes and takes a deep breath. "I ... should let you get to Orisoth. But could you come by later or tomorrow so we can talk?"

Pursing her lips, Jiella nods seriously, looking down at the rock under her toes for a moment or two before, "Anything's possible, I guess? And I could try to. I don't think I have a lot going on tomorrow, at least." She doesn't sound thrilled about the idea, but resigned to it. Picking up her basket, she nods to the water and to T'rev both. "Enjoy your soak," she notes, with something of a smile.

"I'll be home in the afternoon. Please drop by after lunch," T'rev invites, though the way that's phrased, there's an expectation that she'll show up. Arms unwind and hands press down on the pool's edge as the Weyrleader hauls himself up out of the pool, reaches for the towel he left nearby without a trace of shyness. She's seen it all before. "All done with soakin' for now. I hope Orisoth enjoys his wash," he says with a nod and wraps the towel around his waist, picks up clothes that are completely soaked and heads out through what remains of the rain to presumably head home.

"Will do," Jiella agrees quietly, starting towards the larger pool as T'rev pulls himself out of his, offering a little wave over her shoulder for the good wishes for her brown - though perhaps frowning a little.
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