Jiella walks a tightrope

Apr 18, 2010 01:13

Day 4, month 7, turn 22 of Interval 10: Jiella and Orisoth's Weyr, Fort Weyr

Daddy visits for Jiella's turnday, both giving gifts and asking for a lot.  She continues to try walk a fine line.

He's like a bad penny, Rivellan. But it is Jiella's birthday and so it is that he's sitting in her living area, waiting for her to get back from whatever duties or other appointments she has that day. How he got up here isn't clear, but chances are good that it involved the watch rider at Fort Sea. It's much clearer that he kicked some of Jiella's things off of the chair he's sitting in and his eyes are closed when the brownrider enters, though his fingers are steepled beneath his chin, indicating he's awake. Across his lap, a long, tall box. The kind that dresses are often delivered in.

He might be that, but he is Jiella's Daddy, and while she might hate him sometimes, the times that she doesn't, she has the need for his approval that nearly all Rivellan's children have, that's been bred into them. Even so, it's a very good thing that eventually only /one/ rustle of wings, one scrape of talons, and only one pair of boots hit the ground out on the ledge, because otherwise, that might have been kind of awkward. As such, the blonde is only a little surprised when she enters her space and found it invaded; that shifts to annoyance despite who it is and what he's holding... though that will soften the whole reaction to mere petulance. "Daddy," she complains, "It's nice to see you, but it's not fair to just barge in 'cause I don't have a lock on the door." This sounds familiar.

Fort Sea's holder opens his eyes and smiles at his next-to-youngest daughter. "I'm so glad to see how well your lessons in etiquette paid off. Especially when your loving father comes bearing a birthday surprise for you." The box, lifted slightly and one brow is cocked. "Or shall I take it back to Fort Sea and give it to your sister?" It's probably not fair that he knows what buttons to push so well.

With an exaggerated sigh, Jiella will pick her way through her weyr over to her father - perhaps picking up and tossing a few things that you might not want your dad to see into a corner along the way - before bending to give Rivellan a kiss on the cheek, exactly as a dutiful daughter might. "Thank you, Daddy," she says, more politely and properly. "But it's still - sort of a surprise. I might've had someone with me." 'Someone' has a name, but let's not go there right now? Wrinkling her nose as she sits, "If it's the short one, she'll just wreck it anyway. I'm really happy you came all this way for my turnday." Sincere in that, she then holds out her hands. Gift, please.

Daddy turns his head, returns that kiss in kind, a little squeeze given to Jiella's arm. Fond. Presumably not just going through the motions. The box is duly handed over with an indulgent little smile. "Yes, I'm aware that you might have had company and came prepared to wait long enough for Trevor's son to get his pants back on," Rivellan says a trifle drily. "It's going well between you two? It's almost a pity this connection didn't come about sooner. It would have been an advantageous alliance."

One can hope so, for Jiella's sake at least. Beaming for her present - it takes so little, sometimes! - the blonde gives a little grimace for her father's comment, but tellingly, doesn't argue. He either knows his daughter, or knows the effect his daughter might have on a young man. "Maybe you wouldn't want to talk with him around, I meant," she tries as she turns her attention to opening the box. "It seems to be going well, I guess. And I suppose it would've been..." She's a little skeptical; in her tone is unspoken - for them. "He was kind of a jerk when we were candidates."

"I'm sure that I'd like to speak with ... what passes for a son-in-law amongst riders at some point in the near future. He's an upstanding young man as I understand it and I look forward to greeting my grandchildren when they come along." Beat. "A jerk. Interesting. You've never really struck me as one willing to put up with jerks, Jiella. He's treating you well?" A flare of protectiveness at least.

With a cough and a little sputter, "Um. Son-in-law. /Grandchildren/. Wow." Jiella is torn. Correcting one's father's assumptions is both good and bad in this situation, so she just looks over at him with brown eyes widened, telling him, "Well, he's out of the weyr now. But if he gets back before you go?" How At're treats her, however, is less touchy a subject for the blonde; with a slight smile, looking down at the box, "If he treated me better, I think he'd be carrying me around."

"I'd be delighted to see him again. It's been some time," Rivellan says with a brief smile and observes his daughter for a moment. "Good. Should he fail to do otherwise ..." a little gesture of one hand, negligent. Daddy will do something about it. "Open your present, Jiella. It's your birthday and I'd rather not dwell on business until you've at least seen it."

"He said he'd--" There's a pause as Jiella rethinks that sentence, reconsiders before, "He said he'd do a lot for me. But I know, anything goes wrong and we're to tell you." She doesn't need much more encouragement to open her gift, finishing the job she'd started at the beginning of the conversation. Gleeful once she's seen the red sisal, she has to actually clap her hands together before pulling out the dress to hold it up against herself. "Oh, lovely..." But it's the jewelry box that makes her eyes light up, when she finds the gold and ruby set, there's not enough words to say how much she loves it, so she merely sets the tiara atop her head, hugs the case to her chest, and gets up to give her father a kiss on the cheek again, beaming. The fact that there's business to come doesn't even phase her now; well done!

"Good," Rivellan says simply and waits while she opens the gift, smiles again as she puts the tiara on. "You'll look lovely in that and set all head to turning." He sits back more comfortably in his chair and folds his hands across his mid-section as she kisses his cheek again. "Are you feeling more comfortable here, now?"

Going to settle back on her chaise with her jewelry and her new dress, adjusting the tiara just so, Jiella looks pleased, nodding her father's way. "I know," she tells him, secure in just how good she'll look. Crossing her long legs, opening the box again just to look at the earrings, "I think so. I want a better weyr, but I don't want to /move/ everything either. Or pack it for other people to move, anyway. And... things have come along. I think people like me. /Most/ people." The last said darkly.

"It's a good size, I suppose, but a bit rudimentary," Rivellan looks around the weyr for a moment. "I could have a word with the Weyrleaders though if it's really pressing." He focuses back on her, nodding. "You've made connections, friendships since you impressed. Become a part of the life of the Weyr."

"It's not like my rooms at home, really," Jiella notes a bit wistfully, looking around the weyr, jewelry box in her lap. Her lips quirk wryly, and she notes, "I don't know if that would help, or not. At're's is nicer, but I doubt he'd trade. He said I could move in, but..." She trails off, shrugging. Focusing as he does, trying not to just stare at the shiny, "Yes. I think you could say that. I've made some good friendships. There was a gift from my sister-in-law on the ledge when I came in." There's a slight smile for that.

"It's not a hold," Rivellan says evenly enough, gaze flicking aroudn the space. "Did he? ANd you turned him down?" Brows arch curiously, the holder's eyes finding his daughter's face again. "So there's trust between you and many now. That reminds me - have you had time to visit Eidee lately? Speaking of sisters."

A little sadly, "No, it's not." Not that she hates her weyr or anything, but it's not the style in which Jiella is accustomed to being kept. Glancing back Rivellan's way, she shrugs, noting with a gesture around the space, "I'm sort of a mess, and he's very, very neat. I think picking up after me might get irritating." Or something. "And I haven't gotten that way much yet, but I'd like to." Like might be a strong word, but. "Would you like me to visit her, see how she is?"

"If you could spare the time. I'm sure she'd like to see a familiar face. And you can let me know how she's doing, hm?" Rivellan smiles again, all kindly Daddy right now. "Make sure she's still happy and Rhuvawn is treating her well and everything is going as it should with the hold."

It's not much for Jiella to make the trip, so; "I'll go sometime soon. And make sure everything's going well." Light brows arch questioningly at the last, as that seems to be the key point, yes? Again, not much for her to maybe-rat on Eidee. "I'm sure Rhuvawn is treating her well, though - it didn't seem that he wouldn't, and I doubt Eidee would put up with it. We're at least similar in /that/." And that's all she'll agree to having in common with the little brat.

Rivellan's mouth quirks to the side. "Mmm. Make sure she's still ... in control, Jiella. Subtly. The bonds between sisters," (even ones who hate each other), "are very different than those between parent and child." Waxing philosophical. "If you could also get to know At're's family better, it could only help to bring our families closer."

All the sisters hate each other on some level, so it's all the same, really. With a nod, Jiella agrees, "I think that you have a point there. There are things we'd say to each other that we wouldn't say to you or Mother." Pretty brow briefly marred with a furrow of thought for that, she shakes it off, blinking Rivellan's way. Uncertainly, "I'll do my best. I don't know... I don't know that they /entirely/ like me, but I've managed with others. I'll try."

"I know you will. You've put forth a lot of effort Jiella, it's appreciated," Rivellan says with a little nod of approval. "You mentioned friendships ... it seems you've managed to get close to the Weyrleader after all?" Casual, almost as he dusts imaginary lint off his trousers.

It's difficult for Jiella to stop Rivellan from assuming all the effort's on his behalf - it's to her benefit, and makes life easier, and prevents her from having to stand up to him at all. So, neutrally, "It's been a good thing for me, I think. To talk to people. Not /all/ people, but most of them." With an arch of a light brow for the question, though she's not surprised at it, "Yes. We talk fairly often, when there's time. I'm friends with him, his sister that impressed along with me."

Rivellan nods a few times. "He's doing well then? Please with how things have turned out with the raider situation?" His expression? Pretty bland. His fingers lace together and he looks across at Jiella with a faint smile caught in the corners of his mouth. "She's quite the feisty one, his sister."

Jiella is not really sure how to proceed, frown returning to her brow again as she considers for a moment before, "He seems well, and I'm not sure he's content to leave the situation /alone/, but he's pleased that things have gotten /easier/. I think there might be some operations planned to look for more raiders in the future." She shrugs; apparently she's not involved. The faint smile and the comment about Vanissa darkens brown eyes, and somewhere between petulance and a warning, "Not funny, Daddy." But again... it's not like she can argue.

"No, he seems to be rather a stubborn sort," Rivellan says with a little grimace. "Hm. Well he can waste his time all he wants, there's nothing to find." Patient. "She wouldn't have come to any real harm, Jiella. In the end, using her became unnecessary and things are moving as they should." He makes a little face. "If only I could get Esraval to /listen/ to me about his nephew. But that's neither here nor there. Esraval is Lord and /soon/ Fort Sea will get its due. Try if you can, to distract the Weyrleader? Get him to focus on other things than the situation at the Hold. Actually since he's so insistent about more raiders, that could work," the holder muses aloud and the smile on his face isn't a pretty one. "Ye-es, that could do nicely." THen he shakes off whatever thought went through his head. "But I shouldn't trouble you further with business. Come to dinner tonight, won't you? Your mother's ordered up something special, just for you."

Her expression shifting, unable to settle on an emotion, Jiella manages eventually, "All right." However, the mention of Esraval and his nephew has her deepening her frown, and she seems to have some sort of internal debate before telling him, "I have a few connections at the Hold, and there's some talk that there's something... untoward being planned. I think, if you've something in mind, you might want to just scrub the whole thing. That place is full of leaks and word travel too fast." As for the rest, she'll just nod; fine, whatever. As usual, she agrees, but it's no guarantee it'll actually happen. Her father's smile has her pause, narrow eyes narrowing further before that passes; dutifully, "Of course I will. I'll bring Trey, if he's around."

Rivellan's gaze settles sharply on Jiella for that warning. "Leaks. Hm. What sort of talk have you heard?" His thumbs tap together repeatedly, something that she might recognize as a sign of badly controlled agitation. But he's smiling again. "Excellent, we'll look forward to receiving you. Wear the dress if you'd like."

Jiella is used to that gaze, at least; she bears up perfectly well under it. "Not very much. Enough that I know that there's concern that something's going to happen." Her gaze flickering between the thumb-tapping and her father's face, she notes, "I felt I had to say something." Then, leaving it alone, as quick to smile brilliantly - she's learned well - "I just might. Should I have Orisoth call the watchrider to take you back?"

"Something. Do find out more if you can, my dear. It's very important," he says this so mildly does Rivellan and his smile is strangely gentle as he rises. "Please, oh - and I nearly forgot." Oh silly him. "Congratulations on your new wingleader. He seems a very ... amiable sort. Perhaps he might be persuaded to consider you for one of his 'seconds?"

Standing as well, Jiella nods slowly. "I'll see what I can do. If it's important." She affects one of her more serious expressions for this, though that dissolves into a smirk at his last. "I've been considering that. And I don't think it should be an issue."

"You've always been a very enterprising girl," Rivellan compliments with a smile though the wording could mean a lot of things. "I think that your wingleader could do far worse to have a talented young lady like you as his second." Pause. "Indispensable and unique talents," he murmurs but then his smile is flashing brightly again and he leans in to kiss both of Jiella's cheeks. "I will see you for dinner, my dear. Enjoy your gifts. I"m sure there'll be more to come." Dangling the carrot to keep her coming back for more as he heads out to the ledge to await his conveyance home.

Not entirely sure how to take that, Jiella decides just to take it all as a compliment, giving her father a brilliant smile; kissing his cheeks in return. "Thank you, Daddy. I'll be sure to speak to him about it soon. And I'll see you in a few hours." She'll accompany him to the ledge to wait the short time, if only to keep Orisoth company, who - if one cares to read draconic expressions - is not a fan.

Wise Orisoth. Really. Rivellan doesn't look back as the watchrider carries him away.

orisoth, npc-rivellan

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