Go Jump Off A Cliff

Mar 13, 2010 12:12

Day 5, month 3, turn 22 of Interval 10: Fort Weyr Living Cavern

Jiella runs into T'rev and Vanissa for a late dinner, and they try to convince her to visit the waystation and jump off a cliff.

Dinner is winding down, the noisy cavern is beginning to clear, thankfully quieting as families with small children herd them off to bathe and bed for the night. Here and there groups begin games of poker or chit chat over dessert or something hot to drink. Late to the meal is a windblown Nissa, having filled a plate and found a table fairly unoccupied at one end over near the fireplace, heading that way to claim a seat.

Amongst the poker players is T'rev, cheeks a little flushed with the warmth in the cavern, holding a hand of cards and cracking jokes with the other players as they play. They're not far from the hearths which could feasibly bring Nissa across his path, especially since he's engaging in the old bad habit of leaning back in his chair and letting the front legs lift up off the ground.

Also late, though looking less windblown than a little tousled, is Jiella. She's also looking altogether too pleased with herself, so it's probably best not to think too too much about what she's been up to over dinner time. The blonde saunters on into the caverns, likewise content with the fact that it's clearing, particularly of the children - and sets off to find herself some food, scanning the cavern for likely people to entertain her while she has it, leaving a few weyrfolk watching after her in her wake. It's a nice view, after all.

"Scuse me Sir!" It's a saucy-voiced Nissa that seeks to pass her brother on the way to that table just beyond his chair. She could squeeze by but it's more fun to make him move. She gives him a cheeky grin as she waits, her plate hopefully held out of reach of marauding fingers. The movement of heads turning is spotted out of the corner of an eye and she turns her head to follow the motion. Jiella. What a surprise. "Jelly!" Her mug is lifted in a salute-cum-invite. "There's room over here."

T'rev's head tilts back and he just /grins/ at Nissa. "Heeey Nissa," he drawls out drops his chair down with an audible thunk, nods towards the chairs a little further down. "Sure, got room," and he turns as the greenrider greets brown and wolf-whistles her way, eyes dancing. "Hey there, legs," he teases Jiella drawing out more than one guffaw and eye roll at the table.

After getting her food - and only after that - does Jiella bother to really address anything directed her way; first Vanissa, with a brilliant smile for her wingmate and a wave - despite the nickname. "Thanks, Nissa," she calls in return, moving in that direction. As for T'rev, well... It's rare that attention goes over /badly/ with the blonde. Fairly beaming, even for the card players - lucky guys! - "Evening, all." Someone's in a good mood! Even so, she'll stick closer to the greenrider, asking generally, "What's going on?"

Vanissa lifts her plate higher as she twists her hips and scoots by T'rev to that seat further down, a smirk tweaking her lips for all the commotion Jiella causes at the table. Her plate thunks down onto that tabletop, followed by her mug and she plops into the seat pulled out for her by the Rider seated beside T'rev. Her murmured thanks is followed by her leaning over the table just a bit to make eye contact with her brother, "Heard anything from Gramps?" Jiella's wave is caught with a chin lift and a casual wave, breezily unconcerned that half the caverns could have heard the nickname. "Nothin' much. You?" Or maybe she shouldn't ask? "Just got in from a late run to Fort." She tucks her chin while she fishes her fork and knife from her inside jacket pocket, places the cutlery on her plate and shrugs out of the leather.

THere's a couple more appreciative looks sent Jiella's way by both men and women at the table, but T'rev is scooting his chair in a little and tossing in a raise on the current bet in the poker game. "Mm. The rains're lettin' up so there's more travelers and more business. He's got some ideas in mind for celebratin' the change of the seasons."

Edging into her own space with a minimum of scandalous movement, Jiella drops into her chair with a melodramatic sigh, sliding her plate to the table. After a sip of water, she grins over Vanissa's way widely, again looking rather self-satisfied. "Just made a stop at home before dinner," she tells the greenrider lightly, asking after, "How was the trip?" Only mildly interested in the gambling - like she likes to deal with actual marks - she takes up her fork, she notes idly, "You know, I have no idea what a waystation is like. I just realized that. Is that weird?" Not that she minds, just wondering.

Vanissa digs in while waiting for T'rev to answer, chewing enough to where she can say around her attempt to swallow it before she speaks up, "Sounds like a good time to visit. Ain't been since..." She's rolling her eyes ceiling-wards while she attempts to come up with the number of months. Giving up, "Since before I impressed." She points with her fork across the table at Jiella, "S'the best. Come along for a visit. Think ya might like it better than Othello." She stabs at her plate, coming up with a chunk of tuber in some creamy sauce. "Ya gotta meet Gramps. And be ready to swim." She tilts a smirk at T'rev when she says that, pops the food into her mouth. "Mmm." A hasty swallow, then, "Was... alright." She shrugs Fort Hold off with a grimace.

"Othana," T'rev corrects mildly as he leans back and takes a swig from the mug of ale that sits next to his little stack of poker chips. "Ain't like that atall at Big Tree, nope," he agrees with his sister and then laughs. "Well you don't have to be ready to swim unless you want to. Station ain't right next to the ocean or anything." More beer. "You're welcome to come along if y'like, Jiella. Bunch of us are goin' in a few days." He eyes his sister for a moment though for that grimace. "No trouble down that way, hm ?"

Blinking as she has a fork pointed at her, Jiella looks back at Vanissa with some bemusement, head tilted to one side. She's never heard of the place the greenrider's talking about, so she's going to take her word for it. Cautiously, "I might be interested. And I like to swim." But she's not sure about actually /going/ to a waystation, by her rather uncertain expression - not worried, but just... not convinced. Her wingmate's quick dismissal of the trip brings a frown, and she asks, "Did you run into anyone down there?" Just in case. T'rev's clarification seems to help a little, and she offers a smile for the invitation, promising as she spears some salad, "I'll think it over." If she wants to add a little 'yeah' after his last statement, she's smart enough not to, instead eating.

Vanissa grins over at T'rev and sing-songs gaily, "Othana-cabana-banana. I'll never forget it now." But then she pretends to pout, "Aw, can't throw Jelly off the cliff?" So disappointed there! A mildly challenging look, half in jest is sent Jiella's way. "Wanna learn to cliff dive?" Smirk. "There's nothing like it." An attempt to persuade in the face of that uncertainty, "Food's awesome, there's some great music and dancing sometimes." Her trump card: "Those trader-boys wouldn't be able to peel their eyes offa ya." That question from her brother draws her brows down, "Nope, no trouble." Not yet anyway. "Just someone I'm tryin' to avoid," she tells them both as she saws at her meat with a bit more intensity than necessary, growling softly, "Ran into him anyway."

"We're real laid back at Big Tree," T'rev says with a bright grin. "And Gramps makes the best cakes," he adds, flips another raise into the betting pool. Nissa gets a look and lifted brows, but also a smile. "With that kinda rhyme, couldn't fail." Wink. But then up go eyebrows again. "Someone you're tryin' to avoid?"

"Cliff?" What? This is news to Jiella, especially; "You throw people off cliffs?" She's giving Vanissa an odd look for the challenging one until the clarification. "Oh - I don't know about that, either. I'm sort of used to a beach. But it sounds... pretty." That's something! There's mild interest at the idea of new men to pay attention to her as she continues to pick away at her meal, but that last of the other blonde's - plus the way she's re-butchering the meat - has her arching light brows. "The meat's already dead, Nissa," she notes quietly. "Who'd you run into?" She looks over at T'rev like she's got no idea what's going on and kind of hopes that he does.

Vanissa busies herself with her meal, quirking a quick grin over at Jiella then down at that meat she's re-butchering. There's a vigorous nod in agreement about Gramps and his cakes, but she's still chewing when he winks, her swallow hasty enough to need a draw from her mug to help it down. A single cough precedes her reply, "Y'know... B'kaiv might not care for..." She waves a hand, dispersing her misnomer of her wingmate's home like so much smoke. "Not realllly, no." A hasty assurance about tossing her off the cliffs followed by a mutter to answer T'rev, "Yeah." She leans back in her chair with a shrug and meets that questioning look of Jiella's, "A date gone wrong is all."

"There's a cliff to dive off of into the ocean," T'rev clarifies that much. "Because it's kind of a hike to go down to the beach without a dragon," he continues with a grin Jiella's way. "Faster to just get a running start and jump at this one spot where it ain't too high and the water's calm." He shoots Niss another look. "Yeah, I know. Kai gets bristly." And then his brows go a-lifting again. "A date or y'know a /date/," the Weyrleader asks and he gives Jiella his best impression of clueless.

In a cavern that's slowly clearing after dinner, off near the hearths, there's one Weyrleader in a card game, and two attractive blondes - one darker, one lighter; one windblown, one tousled - talking over dinner. Of those three, at least, right now Vanissa seems to be the centre of most of the attention. Or maybe just most of Jiella's attention. As she eyes the greenrider's plate before going back to her own, "See, I hear that and think all kinds of perfectly awful things. So I hope you can like, clarify a little." She nods over to T'rev with his date or /date/ business before telling him, "Then it's a good thing I have a dragon /if/ I go, because there is no one in this world who could ever convince me to jump off a perfectly good cliff."

"Aw, Kai's alright," Nissa's nonchalant about bristly. She returns that look with a blink and a shrug, looking fairly clueless herself. Her uncertain answer is, "A... date?" She pushes her plate back a little with her fingertips, folds her arms across the table in front of her, looking to Jiella with mute appeal while pondering date vs date, then finally adds, "He's.... clingy?" Oh but there are other interesting things to talk about - like cliffs! "It's a lot of fun, Jelly. Your stomach tickles on the way down and if you make it without screaming you win." At least you did when she was younger.

"Sure, but also bristly about his home. Ain't a bad thing, just is," T'rev explains and eyes the betting pool then grins charmingly at his fellow players and ... folds. "Thanks y'all, here, R'doi, switch chairs with me," he nudges the person beside him so he can actually sit next to Nissa and Jiella and keep up the chatter without totally derailing the game. "And y'know, just a date to hook up, or somethin' more serious?" T'rev asks with a dimpled grin then makes a face about clingy. "Gah. Clingy."

Jiella has very little to add on the subject of B'kaiv's bristliness, yea or nay apparently - so fails to weigh in on that entirely. Slow to eat her food, she looks over at Vanissa, finally getting the situation with widened brown eyes. "Oh. Oh! Okay. Well." She can't help smirk the greenrider's way a little, noting, "That's going to happen there. And I'll /think/ about it. It seems to be a little..." Insane. "Much for me." As for T'rev's questions, she glances towards Nissa a bit apologetically for the interest, then just shrugs diffidently. "If she's avoiding him, I guess none of the above? Is it only clingy when it's annoying to the person it's happening /to/?" Just in case.

Hazel eyes swing back from her wingmate as she smirks at her brother, "Didn't think Kai would go for a rename." The look at follows, with brows lifted asks him when she's ever been serious. "Brought 'im back for Turnover. Ever since he's... yoohooing and waving. Asking to come back. Erg. Holders." Oh, she's annoyed. "Maybe I can get Dash to punch him." Or date him. Whichever might work? When Jiella mentions thinking about it, she smiles over her way and oh, hey. The blonde like attention! "You might like him, Jie."

"Cliff divin' not required," T'rev notes to Jiella with an amused, but fond grin for the leggy blonde's caution. "Just 'cos you might be avoidin' someone doesn't mean that it might not be serious. That and the word 'date' is kinda loaded," the Weyrleader points out further, expression shading thoughtful until he breaks out laughing. "That'd probably send the fella packin'. Want me to go dazzle him with my Weyrleaderly knot?" All innocence there, given that T'rev usually doesn't play protective big brother about Nissa's habits at all.

"Right, /Holders/." See, that was the point Jiella was making, waving her fork over here? "That's your first mistake. It's not like the guy probably gets whole lot of... greenriders bringing him back for turnover." How's that for a euphemism? For Vanissa's suggestion, she merely has a 'please' look, telling her, "I'm booked. You've got a better plan with Dash, or your brother." Amused by the idea of T'rev going off to scare the crap out of some guy for messing with his sister, she's at least grinning when she replies, "You might want to check with Nissa on that requirement first."

"Yes it is!" But no, Nissa's clearly teasing the blonde there with a headshake to show it's really not. Her brother gets an exasperated look. "Uhh. I used the word 'drink' not 'date', actually but..." She snorts at her brother's offer, "Shells, your knot would dazzle him in the wrong direction. Let's not let him know I'm related to the Weyrleader of Pern's First Weyr." She shrugs and gives Jiella a 'can't win 'em all sort of look', muttering, "Was that it?" Turnover, who knew? "Traders," she notes, "are easier to deal with." She slides back her chair, curls her fingers about her plate, hooks one finger through the handle of her mug and stands. "Gotta go find Dash then. Or... invite him home and toss him off the cliff." Smirk.

"You said date," T'rev drawls out, still amused, mostly and shakes his head. "If the Weyrleader's offering a knuckle sandwich ..." he starts, trails off deliberately to let the girls fill it in. "Dunno, some holders are just as easy as weyrfolk," the weyrleader remarks philosophically and folds his hand behind his head with a jovial, but somewhat unseemly look of fond reminiscence on his face.

Finishing with her plate, Jiella just gives Vanissa a look - don't push it - then sets down her fork. Now unarmed, she points out, "Drink, date, turnover, whatever went on... can be sort of interchangeable to some guys? Maybe you just swept him off his feet?" She offers the greenrider her own sweet smile - then blinks as she suddenly stands. Gesturing towards T'rev and his offer to pretend to offer beatings, "This is the easiest option, really." And if the weyrleader has a point, or is remembering anything particular, the blonde'll just be ignoring that for now.

"To -you- T'rev. Not to him," Nissa pouts with the tip of her tongue following to cap that clarification as she slides past him to the aisle. "Suppose so." She concedes to Jiella. With all those drinks and whatever followed, who is she to argue. An amused twinkle that includes the both of them ends on T'rev, "I'll let you know, hmm?" For now, she's heading off with a casual, "Later guys. Hope you'll come with, Jiella." And she's away.

"Oh, right," T'rev says, blinking a couple of times and re-focuses. "See you Niss," he bids his sister fare-the-well with a wave and smiles up at JIella. "The scrapes we get into in my family," he says with amusement still in his voice. "Headin' out?"

As she waves after Vanissa, the blonde is a little bemused, noting, "I will never know why she /insists/ on doing everything the most difficult way possible." Jiella, of all people, wouldn't understand that especially. Finishing her glass of water, setting it atop her plate, she lifts light brows, noting lightly, "Could be worse, certainly. Though you do have to like, /drag/ a story out of her, don't you? And yes." She rises from her chair with a smile of her own for T'rev, glancing around the cavern. "Getting late, looks like. And I think I have to be up early. Someone'll remind me."

"Walk you out?" T'rev offers, pushing his chair back and getting to his feet. "And ... well I think Niss is still adjusting a bit to things here. Maybe. Kind of not wanting to make a big deal out of some stuff. "
"If you like," Jiella response, with a slight smile, starting out. "And... all right. I mean, I don't know what you mean at all, but okay."

"Just that she might be kind of goin' underground about things because she feels a little overwhelmed," T"rev says in an undertone and picks up his jacket to sling back on, then falls into step with Jiella for the walk out.

Pretty brow furrowed, Jiella takes some time to consider that apparently, as she's rather quiet as she does so. At least she's giving some thought to Vanissa's situation! And she saunters out into the cool evening with T'rev.

t'rev, vanissa

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