Watch in the Downpour

Jan 26, 2010 16:44

Day 10, month 11, turn 21 of Interval 10: Starstones, Fort Weyr.

Jiella's doing punishment watch in the rain, still feeling pretty ill over Vanissa, and can't quite explain the whys of the situation.  G'dri is still a good listener, and brings soup and klah besides.  How much better she feels?  Debatable.

>---< Local Weather >--------------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp:  44 F                Today's Lo/Hi: 35 F / 58 F
 Belior:        waxing gibbous      Timor:         waning gibbous
Weather:       It's a rainy day.
It's been raining steadily all day with occasional spates of
honest downpour, sheets of water just pouring out of the sky.                   
>--------------------------------------< D10 M11 T21, autumn night >---<

Starstones, Fort Weyr
The Star Stones are located on a kind of stone platform on the rim of the bowl, with the time-honoured Finger Rock, Star Stone, and Eye Rock in their respective places. It's also a perfect vantage point to observe the goings on of the bowl far below. A watchdragon is generally posted here in addition to a few other choice locations along the rim of the Weyr.

It's raining and dreary and dark, and it's likely good weather for the mood at Fort -- it's not like things are exactly fun, what with dead and kidnapped weyrlings, and raiding in general. It presents a dramatic backdrop for one rather morose watchrider, sheltered by the helpful wing of her brown. Jiella sits on the rock of the Stones under the lee of Orisoth's wing, knees drawn up to her chest, arms and jacket both wrapped tightly about her legs. It's unusual for the blonde to be so muted, so completely without her usual spark that she's simply staring out at the rain - not bored or restless or irritated with watch. Just there.

Raining, dreary, and dark might be reason enough for one stocky blue to come winging over to land nearby, no more graceful now than at any other time. Whump. A slightly shivery tendril of sun-drenched thought, full of tropical greens and browns, extends outward in greeting for Orisoth. << You and she are not overly discomfitted, up here? >> Concerned but not overly so, Khameth is not nearly the fuss-bucket that his (rather soggy) rider is. It's probably G'dri's fussiness that's really brought him up here -- he's been even more solicitous towards the weyrlings under his charge than normal, since Nissa was taken. Dismounting on the wrong side, the assistant weyrlingmaster ducks under his dragon's chest to rectify that mistake, his jacket bulking weirdly at the front. "How you doing, Jiella?"

Orisoth is too much a gentleman to indicate that he's noticed any lack of grace; with a flicker of candlelight, burning high despite the external rain, << I do not mind the rain. I find considering the way it must wear the land slowly away interesting. She... is not cold. >> It's something? And Jiella might give G'dri reason to fuss - immediately physically ill in the day or so after Vanissa's disappearance, she hasn't shown any lasting damage, but there's clearly something wrong with her. Or bothering her, at least. The blonde is a little bemused by Khameth's appearance, then G'dri's after - and she's no longer all that wet, just a little damp. Looking up at the bluerider with a shrug, "Okay, I guess. It's raining." Like he might not have noticed. "Why'd you come out into all this?"

<< Sometimes, it is not so slow, >> Khameth offers conversationally, the words followed by a carefully reconstructed memory, a hillside that looks somehow melted and kind of gloopy, trees jutting at odd angles. Mudslide. << The industriousness such things produce can be fascinating, >> he shares further, and the image evolves until it's a moving stream, and oh look at all the people, busybusy. Further inquiries as to The State of Jiella are left up to his lifemate. "Checking to make sure you're all right, not too cold or anything." Such is G'dri's answer, after a wry look upwards: yup, still raining. "I've brought some hot klah, and hot soup, and mugs enough for you to have some of both, if you'd like." A lifted hand indicates a bag hanging off of Khameth's straps, before it's disappearing inside his jacket to pull out the first of two tightly lidded, tall jars, thus giving reason for the bulge.

Ah! Yes. Orisoth can present both an image of a rockslide and a ledge that might be have once been under a mudslide; Khazioth's, for reference. << This is true. In any case, I always have things to look at. >> Even in the bowl, all the little shapes running through the rains and into the caverns. Busy as well! As for Jiella; "I'm not too cold. It's not that bad, yet. Though the wet kind of... seeps in, doesn't it?" So the prospect of hot liquid is a plus, if only to warm one's hands around a mug - uncurling a little from her from her ball-like state, "Really? That's nice of you, G'dri. I - I haven't felt like eating much, maybe the soup will be okay." Expression uncertain, as if she still expects people to be upset with her, "Thank you."

Khameth's acknowledgement comes wordlessly, a whisper of wind and the rustle of foliage, the distant suggestion of strange avian calls. So much to observe and study, each and every day. "Mmhmm, it does. It's the damp, more than the cold, I think one should be wary of. Besides, we can't have you falling ill again." G'dri merely sounds gently concerned as he says that last, not trying to make a joke or to cast judgment. Soup, soup... after fetching down the bag and pulling out one of the clunky mugs, he opens the first jar, and promptly shuts it again as the scent of spiced klah wafts out. Second jar proves to be what he's after, vegetable soup with a rich broth, that he pours out. "Now, did I remember...? Ah, yes, here we are." Spoons are useful things, and so much more dignified than slurping up veggie chunks. Holding out the mug towards her, "You're welcome, Jiella." Pause. "You... haven't been yourself, lately." Nor has anyone, really. But the invitation is there, if unspoken, and he at least, isn't upset with the weyrling.

Orisoth is in easy agreement with that, candlelight flickering in that breath of wind, always content to be amongst like-minded dragons, even if each are left to their own contemplation. "Well. I'm dressed warmly enough," Jiella says with a little sigh, and there's something of her usual tragedy for that at least - what a pity to be unable to lounge on the Star Stones in the sun, instead huddling against the rain. For illness, she has a little wrinkle of her nose, glancing away as she notes, "I should be fine. But I can't say I'm really all that into it either." Unfolding entirely, standing to take the mug and spoon, the former more gratefully than the latter, the blonde pokes at the vegetables for a moment. Slowly, "There's a lot going on. And I guess - I feel bad. I tried to tell her it was a bad idea. I only went to try to - keep her out of trouble. /That/ worked well."

G'dri can't quite help it, chuckling a little for that sigh as his smile spreads for a moment. "Stress is sometimes enough, to lower ones natural defenses against illness, or so the Healers tell me." Maybe he's been on the receiving end of some fussing, himself, lately. Busying himself with another mug, the klah is reopened for himself, and once the dark liquid is poured and the jar relidded, he curls his hands around his own mug and looks off into the darkness. "Too much, some would say." Quiet that, a somewhat sad sounding. Blue eyes flick to the side, to study her face. "I won't repeat what you've already been told." That she should have spoken up. "That you tried at all, says much of your character. You were none of you prepared to put yourselves into such a situation, lacking the experience and the information required. Vanissa should have realised she would be seen as a prize. She chose, to place herself where she could be easily reached. That fault in judgment is not your burden."

Jiella can't help but look somewhat confused at the idea of stress. There hasn't exactly been a lot of it in her young life, besides the thieving harpy sisters, weyrling training, and recent events. That might prove the point, though. "Healers," she says, with a little grimace. "I guess they'd feel bad if you went off and died, though." With a shrug and after a tentative bit of soup, she sobers a little - though as for what she's been told, she has to point out - as she likely has - "She would have been so pissed." Pissed, but not who-knows-where. Not seeming terribly comforted for the reflection of her character, she tries another bit from the mug before, "Vanissa kind of seems to think she's indestructible. I'm just sort of glad for Liath. We'd know if something bad was happening, at least."

"Just a little, I should hope. Though I also hope I'm still a long way off that particular eventuality." G'dri considers the young woman for a moment more, before looking away again as he sips his klah. "Better her anger, perhaps?" he suggests, though gently, and his nod is an understanding one. "The prerogative of youth, that belief. Even otherwise sensible people can fall prey to the idea that nothing bad will befall them, because they are young, and especially if no ill has ever befallen them before. There are gentler ways to that lesson." And harsher ones, too, but he isn't going to speculate on those. Though speaking of harsher, "Indeed. We would be able to know instantly if she were being excessively mistreated. Every effort is being made to locate her, and I have no doubt that she /will/ be returned to us." One way or another, but he's trying to be encouraging, here.

Contrary to what may be assumed, Jiella doesn't think anyone over thirty is ancient - and proves it with, "Well, you're not that old, G'dri. Unless the lot of us plan something else to kill you with worry over the next few months, I think you've got a few turns left." As for the bluerider's suggestion - the blonde's expression makes it obvious she's considered that by this point, but there's no ill will for the reminder. Poking at her mug with the spoon, all too serious, "She didn't know what she was dealing with." Like the brownrider does? Shaking that off, she looks up again and nods, trying to look bolstered. "They can't hide her forever - or she'll find some way to figure out where she's close to. Something." She hopes.

Yay, G'dri's not ancient! His signature smile doesn't make an appearance, but the lines at the corners of his eyes do deepen somewhat. "I'll thank the lot of you to confine your plotting to which wings you'd like to angle towards being tapped into, if you must plot anything at all, and not add any more worry to the overall situation." Nor his specific one, it can be inferred, but despite the fact that he's trying to be more friend than 'ranking officer' at the moment, certain lines must be maintained. It's merely a shake of his head that offers agreement for what Nissa -- and everyone else along for the ride -- was dealing with, his brows lifted as he looks at her. "Every detail that she is able to pass on to us, helps us. Even details that may not seem important. The smell of the water, the colour of the stone... even a taste in the air. I am sure also, that other possibilities are being considered, ways to trick her captors into giving us some information. Just one loose tongue, could be enough." A bit more klah goes down the hatch and then, "I imagine such possibilities as the circumstance our young friend finds herself in, are ones you've been aware of much of your life? That a relative can be used against someone in a position of leadership or power."

"I'll try. I can't speak for the rest of them - though I do my level best to keep Trey out of trouble." Well, sort of. Mostly. Jiella can manage to curve full lips into a small smile for that; some things always lift her mood. Shifting the steaming mug from one hand to the other in a bid to warm them both equally, "Well, I suppose there's that - we certainly had some time to learn to pick up on those things, when we were learning to visualize. And - I'm sure she has /some/ sort of plan." The last is dry, if threaded with concern; she glances G'dri's way to add, "Hopefully nothing crazy." As for her own circumstances, flip, "In a sense, I guess. But honestly, there's so many of us, I'd wonder if my parents would even notice we were gone before the ransom note came."

"A very steady young man, is At're," G'dri notes, some approval to be found in his voice. He seems pleased to see that smile, whatever brought it into being. "While the priority is to see you all prepared for safely traveling :between: the training can be applied in many different ways to a variety of situations. Hopefully--" Nissa realises this? Probably a safe bet for what he doesn't finish saying, changing it instead to, "Hopefully yes, nothing crazy. We can perhaps count on Liath, to prevent her from attempting something reckless. The distress bringing herself to harm would cause her lifemate...." He shakes his head, brows furrowing into an unhappy frown. "Even with many, I should think any parent would notice the absence of a child. There is no more precious thing, than one's offspring." Shows what he knows, don't it?

Despite approval, "I know. It can be really annoying sometimes." The weyrlingmaster might consider that trait a positive; for Jiella, it can just get in the way of whatever she wants. Trying some more soup, still in that am-I-gonna-keep-this-down way, "Surprised I realized that. I don't always pay much attention." You don't say. With a little frown marring her pretty brow, she glances up to the sheltering wing, noting, "I'll get Orisoth to talk to her. He's pretty reasonable. He makes sense. I guess it might help." Again, it's something. As for G'dri's frown, she only has a little shrug, a odd little smile. "Some of us aren't children. We're pawns. I guess that's the difference." Not overly bothered by that, she'll look down at her mug again to add, "I really appreciate this. The soup and all. Thanks."

That careful eye G'dri's keeping on Jiella might also have something to do with how carefully she's sipping that soup, as well as his larger concern for her emotional well-being. "You may not always pay attention, but that doesn't mean you are also unintelligent. Don't do yourself a disservice." Nodding encouragingly, "Do that, yes. If nothing else, the contact between dragons can continue to let her know that her friends are close and prevent her from losing hope." It's her last answer though that brings a melancholy look into his eyes, And when he reaches out in an attempt to lay his hand on her shoulder briefly, there's something paternal about the gesture. "You're quite welcome, Jiella. When you're finished, why don't you go get someplace dry, hmm? I'll stand the rest of your watch for you." Bad assistant weyrlingmaster? Nevertheless, the offer is genuine.

With a flash of a grin, "Everyone's smart in different ways. And I've been tutored enough that I ought to be - I just get bored." Jiella's honest about her failings, at least - or at least, when she feels like it. Seeming somewhat encouraged to have even that little thing be helpful, she leaves spoon in mug to lift her hand to Orisoth's side for a pat. The hand on her shoulder surprises her a little, though she doesn't pull away, just seems a little bemused. Tilting her head to one side, not quite sure how to fit this into her frame of reference, she eventually just settles on, "I'll try to get some sleep." Because it seems appropriate to assure G'dri that she'll be resting and warm rather than out partying or searching for lost weyrlings. It doesn't take her long to finish the soup, nor to head off to her weyr after making sure he's sure about watch in the rain and all. And as they wing off into the downpour, Orisoth offers Khameth a blaze of bright thanks. He'll keep her out of any trouble for the evening, at least.

orisoth, g'dri, khameth

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