Meet and Greet

Oct 05, 2009 12:13

Day 7, month 12, turn 20 of Interval 10: Fort Weyr Living Cavern

Candidate Meet-And-Greet - Jiella doesn't do much of either, instead briefly catching up with Hattie, her most recent sister-in-law.

Laid out prettily, the buffet table near the back of the living cavern is ready to feed the horde of candidates that's descended on the Weyr in the last few weeks since Elaruth's eggs were laid. Regular lunch is still being served too of course but a slight division in the long rows of tables that populate the cavern has been made for those just popping in and out for a meal between duties vs. the informal gathering that's slowly growing as candidates and various riders and lower caverns people step away from chores to come over. T'rev and Cirse both stand near the head of the table to greet candidates with a handshake and some brief conversation, while several young people have already claimed seats at the tables and are digging into lunch and chattering brightly about the differences between Boll and Ruatha.

Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? All you have to do is abandon your previous walk-of-life and consign yourself to weeks of mindless chores and pensive waiting. Sign on the dotted line, get a white knot, show up for snacks. Maitrey and a couple of the other boys drop their chores-- "Housekeeping. I've never had such a high appreciation for feather dusters before today," says the once-harper-- at the first available opportunity to make good on those candidate knots. "Hope there're stuffed olives," one big lad is saying, peering over heads toward the buffet. "Haven't had a good olive since I left Keroon."

Despite a fondness for her figure, Xhonya browses the food that's been offered up, though her plate is only meagerly dotted with more savory snacks. In the crowd, she's more or less in her element, grinning and exchanging pleasantries with the other candidates and more or less just pleased to leave chores behind for awhile. It seems to be the general feeling with those she pauses to talk to before moving on.

It really shouldn't be all that surprising that some of the dragonriders who brought in a few of those candidates are also making an appearance. To catch up with and check up on 'their' Searchees, meet the ones their friends -- or in some cases, rivals -- have collected. And it's probably safe to assume that once lunch is -over- and the candidates are safely out of earshot, some ribbing and cheerful heckling will commence. Amongst this number is G'dri, just arriving with a couple wingmates, though they veer off to the other side of the cavern whilst the bluerider meanders over towards the buffet.

When Jiella comes in from the caverns, it's hardly an entrance, but in a move that's perhaps become fairly expected, the blonde takes her time in joining the group, sauntering up slowly and watching the interactions, gauging the mood. She's been doing that for a good few moments, just past the division in tables before she dives into the fray, immediately in the 'party' mood and - possibly surprising to some - not a total airhead. Who knew? In what might be a less shocking mood, she is edging towards the Weyrleaders. Imagine that.

Sweep sandy walkways out in the freezing (to a Neratian) stark, grey-ish bowl or attend a buffet lunch? There's no competition as far as Vanissa is concerned. She gladly leaves her chores for the time being to join the others in the living cavern not hesitant in the least to partake of the goodies offered since she's worked up an appetite out there. She's busy over at the buffet table making sure her plate doesn't feel naked. What's this? And ooh! She'll take one of those. A flaky rolled pastry with a spiced seafood filling. And, "/This/ we'll have to start making at the Waystation."

Musing, "I still can't tell if you mean olive as a euphemism or not." Maitrey frowns for the thought, his survey of the table interrupted by waving aside the big fellow's question; "What's a euphemi--" Not the conversation to be in the middle of when approaching the Weyrleader-Weyrwoman duet, see. "Take this and we'll talk about it later," while he passes a few plates back to be distributed among the cluster, using the big boy from Keroon as a shield from potentially airheaded holder's daughters.

Hattie might go unnoticed amongst the group, not having singled out any particular candidate to talk to or start up any kind of interrogation, not to be seen anywhere near the buffet and probably having ignored it almost entirely. She's chosen a seat towards the end of one table, far enough back so that she might be able to keep the most amount of people in her line of vision. Sitting with nothing but a mug of what looks to be fruit juice in front of her, she makes no effort to hide the fact that she's letting her focus wander between people and is likely to be listening in on any snatches of conversation she can hear.

"Not everything is a euphemism," remarks Xhonya cheerfully, coming up beside her favorite Harper, fingers pinched around some kind of meat-stuffed pastry puff convention. She nibbles this while she charms the poor boys around Maitrey enough to wedge her way into their group, practically lost in their bulk except for the flashes of long green skirt that sometimes come and go as legs shuffle forward.

As the Weyrleaders get caught up in some conversation or another, Jiella's plans for the moment seem to be foiled - which allows some people to use big ol' Keroonian boys as a shield more easily, though she's currently looking a little more thoughtful than vacant. Xhonya's comment gets a glance, but then that girl's disappeared as well; so a scan of the crowd for her next target finds Hattie. In-laws have to put up with her, right? The blonde starts off in that direction, giving the weyrwoman a little wave.

Without missing a beat, Maitrey answers, "To girls, maybe not." But he's not with girls at the moment-- or, well, he wasn't. The stack of boys permits Xhonya without complaint, though the preoccupation with food kicks in right about then so they can filter out in a line along the buffet. A couple of them remember their manners and shake hands, but mostly they're just adolescent boys faced with a spread of food they might not normally get, so T'rev-and-Cirse might as well be statues. The jubilant, "Look! Olives!" has the once-harper giving a super cheerful thumbs up followed by a head shake that likely won't be seen. "I wish I could get so excited about little black fruits. What is it you're eating?"

With a pointed thump to the shoulder of a brownrider who's got an arm that's a bit -too- friendly around the shoulders of a girl from Bitra, G'dri finally dives into the milling crowd. Polite to those he passes, quiet greetings, a word or two of congratulations for a boy who was only brought in yesterday oh my gosh!, but looking for familiar faces. So staying out of the line, but angling along it until he finds one at least, and waits for a moment where he can interject, "Good day, Vanissa."

In-laws do indeed have to put up with a lot of things and it's far too difficult to tell whether or not Hattie is pleased to see Jiella, for she receives the same study as everyone else; the same few seconds of blankness until the weyrwoman returns the wave and nods to the empty space across from her. Who knows what prompts the faint smile, but there is one that requires a person to be alert to catch it at all. "How are you today, Jiella?" she asks, once she might not have to raise her voice for it to reach.

Jantha enters at her usual brisk pace and pauses to survey the occupants of the cavern. Her gaze flits from one candidate to another, as if she's sizing up all those potential weyrlings. Then she dives into the crowd towards the buffet, and greets those she finds there.

It's one thing to weave through the crowds while munching back home, food in the mouth not inhibiting conversations in the least, but here at the Weyr? Well, for some the change of place and station combined with new an overwhelming amount of new faces has worked to inhibit spontaneity. Nissa, though, hasn't seemed to let this affect her. No, she's mid-chew as she greets the Weyrleaders with a nod and a casual wave. They're talking, so she's not interrupting them, instead she turns to find a seat only to find G'dri standing in front of her. Her mouthful is hastily tucked off into one side, "Hiya G'dri. How're you?" Hazel eyes crinkle along with her smile and she salutes him with the rest of the pastry in hand.

Xhonya just grins at Maitrey. "Oh, yes, girls, we couldn't possibly understand." Smirking fit to bust she offers him a second pastry puff. "No clue, but it's pretty good. They're down there. I'm making a second pass." Olives-boy gets an aside glance from her and a tiny shrug in reply to the harper-candidate's headshake. "So I haven't congratulated you, yet."

For her part, Jiella looks fairly pleased to see Hattie - and once at the table, she gives a nod to the goldrider in return, dropping into the seat and flashing a wide, bright smile. "Fairly excellent," she says, and sounds completely sincere about that. "How are things with you, Hattie? Does she keep you out on the sands that often?" Not quite into exuberance, the blonde seems to have muted herself a touch in deference so her more circumspect sister-in-law. "Guess it's nice to have an excuse to be somewhere else for a bit?"

Bluerider greeting blond briefly catches Maitrey's attention, has him lean back out of the line a little to get a glimpse toward G'dri and Vanissa, plate passed to one hand so he can lift the other in a mute wave. "No clue," he repeats with a touch of despondency, his attention back to Xhonya's puffy-pastry-thingie; no name for it, so he's not eating it. "I'm not quite sure I'm up for it yet," while he collects things he /can/ recognize. "Let me get through my first pass and we can revisit the matter?"

G'dri isn't going to block anyone's path, not Vanissa's to a chair or those seeking to keep the line moving behind her. So, making sure he isn't going to jostle anyone, he promptly sidesteps so that a course can be navigated to the tables. his signature smile flashes for that pastry-burdened as he lifts his eyebrows, "I hope no one's tried to tell you that saluting is necessary? Because if so, they've been having you on. I'm quite well, thank you. How've you been settling in to the new pace?" Scanning the crowd, he manages to catch Maitrey's wave on the edge of his vision, lifts his hand palm out in reply even if the artist has already transferred his attention elsewhere again.

Jantha has by now found herself some food and drink. With a glass of something fruity in one hand, and a filled roll in the other, she circulates for a while, finally fetching up alongside Xhonya and Maitrey. She barges in without further ado. "Welcome to candidacy." she says without further ado. "And welcome to Fort - at least, I don't think I know either of you. I'm Jantha."

Xhonya shrugs and pops the puff in her mouth in a more-for-me way. "You know, if you wanted the proper names of things, you should have befriended a baker, not a soap maker." Not that Maitrey was ever given a choice in her friendship, but she's not about to roll in the semantics. "Aren't harpers supposed to be adventurous?" She selects a few more things from the table, things that were good and a few she hasn't tried yet. Jantha barging in next to her is taken without the least bit of twitch, face rising to meet the brownrider's with typical sunny demeanor. "Jantha? The Weyrlingmaster? How fortunate! I believe somebody mentioned to me once you knew quite a bit about herbs, but I'd yet to have a chance to make myself known to you. And here you are!" Oh, what has this poor woman done to herself? Under her piled plate, the candidate extends a hand. "I'm Xhonya, and pleased to meet you, ma'am."

"That good, huh?" Hattie returns, a flash of a grin following on the heels of a moment or so of laughter that she can't contain. "She sort of wanted me to come see everyone so that she can see them too, out of context, if that makes any kind of sense? Away from the place she usually sees them, anyway." She shrugs one shoulder and adds, "She likes me to be around, but she's not terribly demanding. Most of the time." The goldrider peers around at the cavern a little, at all the people for the most part, focus returning to Jiella before her attention can wander for an impolite amount of time. Or perhaps she meant something by eyeing the others. "How are you finding this kind of environment? It must be... different, for you."

Maitrey frowns down at his plate, with all its recognizable food on it. "Are we? I must have missed that lecture. Pity." He starts to quick-wipe some grease off his fingers and on to his trousers, but Xhonya beats him to the handshake punch, so his own response to Jantha's interjection is considerably more subdued than his fellow candidate's. "A pleasure, ma'am. Maitrey. Who wasn't here all that long, so no, we didn't meet." At the far end of the buffet, now, he hesitates between detaching himself from the two women and hanging around to be polite. Having good manners sucks sometimes.

Though not in a huge hurry to get to the tables, Vanissa doesn't want her heels trod upon by those in line behind her, so she's moving along with G'dri's side-step. A tiny spurt of pastry crumbs fly from her lips as she laughs, then swallows hastily. "Nope. No one said I had to salute." No that was just her being smart. "At least I didn't call you 'Sir'?" A cheeky grin follows that statement. Past the bruerider she catches a glimpse of Maitrey's head and handwave. The distance is too far for a call his way to be politely modified, so she merely smiles and returns her attention to G'dri. "Oh, keeping busy. Lots of new people." Her breezy answer intended to cover a vague unease.

Not having a free hand, Jantha merely waves the one with the glass in at Xhonya. "Maitrey and Xhonya. Well met, both of you." She nods at Xhonya. "Yes, I've been interested in herbs for turns - I used to have an extensive garden, back at Southern, and now I've been allocated a part of the herb garden here, so I'm trying to build up my collection. Are you interested in growing them or using them - or both?" She smiles at the young man. "And where have you both come from?"

With a little laugh of her own, "Nice to be away from home, with all my things /here/ and not near thieving sisters." Jiella gives Hattie a 'you know how it is' look before continuing, "And I think that makes sense? THen she knows if you think someone's awful or amazing or whatever? I mean, I can't see how it makes a difference to the eggs, but I can see it making a difference to /her/, I guess? And..." She glances back towards the buffet table line as well, "It /is/ different. No one really told me about the whole work thing, either that or I blocked it out. Weeding's not my thing... and that food is going quick, isn't it? I ought to get /something/, but we'll talk later?" Perhaps mindful of the optics of monopolizing the clutch's goldrider when being related to her, she rises with an odd little half-salute, and saunters off the to back of the line. Or wherever she can get someone to let her in.

xhonya, maitrey, dashaya, jantha, t'rev, g'dri, vanissa, hattie, tilin

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