Happy Birthday, Kacchan! ♥

Feb 23, 2014 15:38

Last year (or was it the year before that?) I sewed a birthday card and send it to Kame, but the fan club returned it to me without opening (I guess they thought the envelope was a bit thick). I know about their rules and all, but it made me kind of sad and disappointed somehow and since then I haven't quite made a lot of fanstuff. Or maybe it's just because I'm getting old. It could also be that I'm not that into fandom anymore... ^^;

I think liking an idol is sometimes like having a crush on somebody, it will eventually fade, especially if it's a one-sided crush. I'm not saying that I've stopped liking Kame, but with a lot of fellow fangirls dropping out, it just doesn't feel that fun anymore.

Anyway, it's his birthday today and even though I haven't been very creative lately, I still want to honour him with a birthday post in my LJ.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Kame-chan!! \(^O^)/

birthday, kame

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