Needlepoint. I just learnt a new word. It's the same as embroidery. ^^
So, I like to show you some of mine. Enjoy!
It was just a matter of time before I got the idea of sewing Kame on my pillowcase.
I totally blame it on
katherinekate, because she forced me to it, talking about her Kanjani8 pillowcase and made me Oh! so envious. @.@
At first I really wanted to make it easy, so I thought a silhouette would be a nice motive.
But I messed up, his mouth and chin looks.... just crappy. T_T;
So... if you're going to do something, you have to do it properly. And thoroughly.
I finally came to use one of my uchiwas (yay!!!!) which are sticked to the wall in my bedroom. Please just ignore the green ribbon... ^^;;;;
Carbon copy makes it all easy. =)
But seeing it on my bed, somehow I was unsatisfied, because it looked unfinished. O-o
So I decided to....
...paint it!
What do you girls think? XD~
(and... oh, by the way, I can't make any Jin because I don't have a Jin uchiwa.... xPPP )
Here's the final result! I have to say I like it a lot! <3333333
*stares and sighs* <3
Okay, so Kame was my latest project. Needlepoints have always been a hobby, since I learnt it in school. This violet embroidery is from elementary school.
Back then when I was more into animes than jdramas and JE fandom I made this Trowa (Gundam Wing) cushion case.
And poor Belldandy (Ah! My Goddess) I've had on hold for years. I'm not sure I will ever finish her.... T_T
LOL. Maybe she knows, hence her sad face......