Glass Slippers

Dec 31, 2012 14:07

Sorry, this is more of a ranting than review, read on your own risk. I've warned you. And of course, some spoilers too...

Click the link for summary and casts. Glass Slippers (2002).

Usually, when you watch a lead in a drama, she or he will look prettier and prettier as time goes by. Because you'll get attached to them in one way or others; like Tae-hee, at first I thought she looked like an ahjumma, I guess mostly because of how they'd styled her up, but in the end, she became really beautiful. In the opposite, how come Sun-woo/Yun-hee was getting uglier for each time I looked at her? (In the beginning, I actually thought her pretty). Maybe because I started to really dislike her character, so it's making me not able to stand the actress either. Sadly, I know I won't watch any other dramas with her ever again (even though I know I'm probably very unfair to the actress...). 

Her character is so contradicting. The kid was stubborn, hardworking yet prideful and strong and wouldn't admit defeat the first thing she did. She did however know her limits and was able to adapt to her situation.

This little girl who acted kid Yun-hee was so adorable.

Then she grew up to be a very hardworking and super positive girl. That's the good points I give her. At first she was this strong tomboyish, besserwisser who also was annoying but at least she seemed to have character. Then she met Jae-hyuk and suddenly she was all 'I'm-a-weak-female', meeky and just even more annoying. They made her such a saint, always forgiving (you do whatever evil to me, I'll just forget it two minutes later and I'll come to your help at once because I'm such an unselfish saint....) and thinking about everybody except herself. That is so not natural for a human being. She was such a saint I couldn't stand her. A drama is not doing well when you've started to skip the scenes with the lead female; in fact I actually enjoyed watching the villain more, and that says a lot.

None of the 'loves' in this drama is believable or enjoyable (except the one between the guy's sister and the girls' cousine - it's really bad when the sidestory is more interesting and engaging than the main story).

Jae-hyuk's love for Sun-woo? Pathetic. Chul-woong's love for sun-woo? Why? (What's there to be so obsessed about? Alright, might be that he is simpleminded, but still...) Tae-hee's love for Jae-hyuk? Boring. Just forget him and move on, it's not like there aren't other guys in this world... As for Sun-woo's love for Jae-hyuk? I don't know, it just annoys me and irks me when I see the two characters together. It's so... cheesy and like sleezy? To me it would have done the drama a better deal to put those two together and then put them away somewhere and focus on the other characters instead, that interesting were them to the storyline. I couldn't connect to Sun-woo or Jaek-hyuk, I couldn't care less about his revenge or her illness.

It was selfishness and weakness that made her getting married to Chul-woong in the end. I thought that was SOOO unfair to him. She didn't deserve him and I guess it was good that they killed him off in the end. I knew from the beginning that he was going to die (since I'd read spoilers) so I was just waiting for it (Kdramas at that time always killed off the hot guys, not a big deal huh?). My intention was to watch until So Ji Sub's character died so I could drop the drama. Too bad I had to hang on to the very end. >.<

Quote from her aunt in ep. 38 (when she spoke to Chul-woong): 
"I think they still have feelings for each other. That may be why Yoon-hee decided to marry you. It's hard for her to break up with Jae-hyuk herself, so she's running away to you."

Haha, I agree with the aunt for once, everything is a mess. To marry someone because you want to escape or out of pity or being noble (say what?) even out of gratefulness, you'll never give the other one happiness. And that idiot still goes with it and marries her. T_T


The older sister, Tae-hee.

Fortunately there was still one heroine to like. I could cheer for Tae-hee who remained herself until the end. But I really wished for her to get rid of that Jae-hyuk, since I think she could find herself a better man.

The only couple that was fun to watch. They were cute together.

The cousin's lovestory with Chul-woong's sister could actually have been an own drama, since there were story plot: their first meeting, fighting, falling in love (so cute!), obstacles i.e. his mom, second male lead and even second female lead (weak, but still). Seo-joon's character as an adult stayed true to his child character and he was sympathic all the drama through.

The nice and pretty sister to Chul-woong.

As for the pretty sister (sorry, forgot her name), she was wonderful and simply outshining the rest of the actress in prettiness. Why couldn't her character had been the lead instead, lol... I love how she is prideful and can stand up for herself and the ones she loves, and when she can't stand anyone, she won't pretend. She proves to me that you don't have to be a door mat just because you're goodhearted. I love the cat fight between her and the fake Yun-hee. Yay, way to go! \(^o^)/

So Ji Sub was so pretty in this drama. Although I don't really like this kind of guy (too violent, too simpleminded - I don't believe you should live for another person, that's not your goal with life) I had to cheer for him. They beat him up pretty badly in the show, but he was still cute with his face bloody and the cheeks puffy...

It was kind of a relief when he died, I just wanted Yun-hee to be in guilt for the rest of her life and never be happy (whoaaaa... I didn't know I had this dark side in me. ^^;). Honestly, watching him die, and all the playbacks from their time together, you're supposed to feel sorry and bad for her? My reaction? Ha! You didn't get him. Serves you right!

Weirdly, I felt more bad for the fake Yun-hee, since she was the cause of the death of her beloved. When Yun-hee told her she didn't know if she was able to forgive Sung-hee (fake Yun-hee) because she caused Chul-woong's death, I think it didn't matter to Sung-hee, who in that moment would have more issues about forgiving herself...

The fake Yun-hee was surprisingly entertaining to watch. She was a bitch you really liked to hate. You are supposed to hate her, because she does all the bad things, too selfish to regret it, and when things go bad for her, she just blame her "bad luck" on someone else. But it was satisfying to see her reaching the bottom, because that was the punishment she got for her doings (unlike someone else who did a lot of craps and still the show wanted us to continue to love her. Ha!).

I loved the scene where Tae-hee confronted the fake Yun-hee and was clever enough to not be fooled anymore. She was gorgeous in that scene. Actually, they both were... fake Yun-hee with the right reactions. (I think I will have to look up Kim Kyu Ri/Kim Min Sun's other drama where she is the lead). LOL that in the end, I couldn't hate her because I hated real Yun-hee more... @.@

What to say about Jae-hyuk? I can only feel sorry the actor who get these kinds of roles (like in All About Eve his character was pathetic but in another way), not making him attractive at all....

Choi Woohyuk did a good job in Autumn Tale too.

I had hoped more for this character, because the young Jae-hyuk promised an interesting and complex personality, yeah revenge, but also manipulation and ruthlessness to reach the goal. You could see the beginning of madness in his eyes when he talked with the gangster. Where did that go? When Jae-hyuk fell in love with Yun-hee, his character also fell down the window and disappeared and left him as a pathetic lovesick something.

So why did I watched the whole thing if I hated it so much? I didn't hate the drama totally, the first episodes (with the child actors) was good and engaging.

I wanted to know how the sisters were going to reunite again. So sad that the grandfather never got to know his other grandchild (meeting in the corridors at the company doesn't count!). I also was fascinated by the murderous villain girl. She was really evil but nobody really cared even though they found out - because they could only care about their own lovelives.... T_T

Actually, I don't regret watching the drama, but if they hadn't made Yun-hee such a saint and made me hate her, I could have enjoyed the show more, for its twists and the fates of the characters. I usually skip/fast forward uninteresting and boring parts in dramas, but actually skipping out the female lead's scenes half of the drama says A LOT of what I think about it.  

korean, drama, so ji sub, review

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