YNSH episode 02

Jan 23, 2010 10:31

This episode is filled with soooo many Kame cuteness moments. <3

He gets hit by Sunako-chan but looks adorably cute when he is sulking and being taken care of. Kyohei this oblivious bastard "hugs" Noi-chan and gets hit by Takenaga, I like that scene. And then sad!Kyohei in a corner, thinking back, dealing with his issues, you just want to hug him. My favourite scene must be when he confessed that it was his first kiss, then got teased and embarrassed. Kawaii~

However, there are things in this episode that made me...

Warning! Some negative and annoyed thoughts. Spoilers as well. Read on your own risk.

1. They're rushing the storyline way too much.
The two chapters in this episode, the one with the poisoned mushrooms and the one when Sebastian the butler came on visit, are both favourite chapters of mine, that's why I didn't like them being put together like this and it should come later in the drama. The viewers haven't got to know Sunako-chan that well yet, you haven't seen her interaction with the others quite enough to believe that they will miss her personality as weird!Sunako to want to change her back from lady!Sunako.

2. Sebastian
He just feels wrong. My impression of Sebastian is that he is (acting as) an English gentleman, gentle and kind and very polite. He is a butler and serving the ladies and even the boys with grace, they're filled with awe for him, not fear. And he knows them. All of them. Especially Sunako-chan. Even though he also wants Sunako to be a lady, he wouldn't throw out Hitoshi-kun (Hiroshi-kun??) since that doll is Sunako's most precious thing. I really hated him when he barged in and started to tell them to throw things out. And what's that thing when he stuck his tongue out? I totally didn't understand it at all.

3. Sunako
Are they going to make it to every episode that Kyohei need to shout Busunako whenever he wants to get a reaction from her? I thought she needn't that kind of trigger to be violent either. She fights as well as willing as Kyohei when she sees something she doesn't like. She has a complex yes, but she isn't a whimp.

4. Takeru
I like this kid. I really do. But... I don't think he belongs in this story. Or at least, stop giving him so much screentime that the other three guys seem to be part of the equipment in the house! Actually, he got the reactions and lines that I think could have worked better if one of the other guys had. Give them some space in the drama too! The drama is already short, there are so much good stuff in the manga that they should put in and we need to get to know everyone of the main characters, but like it is now Takenaga, Ranmaru and Yukinojo are awfully neglected. What good is it if Kame has a good supporting cast in his drama if they never get the chance to take screen?

5. The four stalkers
Actually I'm not annoyed with them... yet. Just wondering if they're supposed to be those four Lolita girls in the manga? Because I really think it's a pity they're not dressed in Lolita, since I have a fascination for that dressing style. Maybe they don't want to offend the Japanese Lolitas though... ^^;

6. Kyohei
What? Am I going to say something negative about my dear little turtle-kun? No way! I just wanted to point out that Kyohei seems more emotional in this drama than in the manga where he is kind of very simple-minded and mostly cares for the food and his comfort. To think that he wants "the old Sunako" back just because he thinks her new reactions towards him are boring, that is just not believable. Even though it's cute that they make it like he cares, almost like he is on his way to fall in love...

Phew~ I think I got everything down I needed to rant about. Now I can go back and be all giddy again about Kame's cuteness. XD~

This drama is good for my Japanese studies indeed. First I watch the raws a couple of times waiting for the Chinese subs and then be able to fully understand and see if I was right when the English ones get out.

By the way, Gokusen the movie is out!!!! Yay, I've been waiting forever and finally it came. XDD

kame, jdrama, review

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