Gakeppuchi no Hero (ep 04)

Aug 04, 2009 20:15

Yes! I've found the Buzzer Beat Discussion Thread in D-Addicts. It took me some time, but hey, how would I know that its other name is Gakeppuchi no Hero? O.o

Suki ja nai... ka?

Of course she has fallen, and fallen really hard, poor girl. Well, with a friend looking as good as Pi and him being that nice, not to mention he is forbidden fruit since he has a girlfriend, who wouldn't fall in love? XDD~

The kind of friendship that Naoki and Riko has is nice... if both of them were singles. Because there is a bit of tension between them, as for couples getting to know each other and are about to fall in love. Riko is trying really hard to not fall in love, but then she discovers more and more things about him that she likes; in fact everything about him appeals to her. "We're only friends. But why are we only friends?" >.<

As for Naoki, I think that at this stage, he only sees her as a friend, but then somehow, he likes her too, even though he is happy with his girlfriend. Maybe because he feels more at ease with this girl than his own girlfriend. None of them (Naoki and Natsuki) are themselves when being together, they're trying to be someone else just to please the other one. And that's why I think their relationship is doomed, and not because Natsuki (the girlfriend) is cheating on Naoki with an ugly guy.

Somehow I feel bad for the girlfriend, because her bad character is necessary in this story. How else could the hero break up with his beloved girlfriend to be with the heroine instead? The worse the girlfriend is, the more impossible it will make it for Naoki to go back to her, thus a happy ending for the real OTP. XD

And she and the ugly annoying guy suit each other much better, since he knows her better than Naoki does but he seems to accept who she is (or he is only a player that likes the challenge of taking other people's girlfriend - then too bad for Natsuki) and she doesn't have to pretend to be an all-sweet-and-innocent girl, she can be herself. That way, everyone can be happy! Yay! \(^o^)/

The image of a bad woman. Asians. If I smoke, then I'm a bad girl, have a bad character and will more likely sleep around with bad guys. Huh? T_T
(On the other hand, smoking guys are bad too, but they could be looked at as cool.... O.o)

Btw, I wonder if Naoki knows that his girlfriend is a smoker, because they always show her smoking after he's left or when she is alone. But how can he not know? He must smell it. On her. She smokes at home too, and that smell stays. So, he knows? But still thinks she is cute and innocent and everything (being an Asian nice guy, not to mention a sportsman) and likes that?

This episode was really no baskeball but a lot of rabu rabu.

LOL. Number eight Naoki doesn't have any fans. Why else would there be so many keyrings left? T_T;

But the one and only fan will take one. Hesitating, because she really wants Naoki stuff, but in the same time doesn't want anyone to know about it. Watching Kawasaki (her date) but thinking about another guy (bad, bad...). I like her outfit here, btw. =)

After having talked with dear Naoki-kun...

... Riko is soooooooo happy relieved. Feels refreshed.

(Oops, wrong Shuuji!) XDD
His room is really small and yet this guy looks so happy, just to have somewhere to sleep.  Will he be alright? ^^;

Naoki went to buy flowers to Riko, to her violin performance at the shopping mall. He bought a small sunflower, but when he was about to step forward, Kawasaki was faster and gave Riko a huge bouquet of roses. Unexpectably Naoki showed some disappointment in his face and withdrew before anyone noticed him. Why's that? He was jealous? Or he got an inferiority complex because his flower was cheap? Or he thought that Riko would precious the roses more because she was given them by the guy she likes? Anyway, slightly pissed off dissappointed he turned away and gave the sunflower to a little boy....

... who must have passed it further since the flower ended up with Riko. Someone tell me how she got them? O.o

Naoki was noticeably satisfied when he found out that Riko liked the sunflower better than the bouquet, but of course he didn't tell her it was from him. It's that way, they see and they like, but they don't tell each other. How are they suppose to end up together as a pair??? orz

Just two strangers that pass by on the street....?

Of course not.

Ah. I know her.

Finally. Naoki sees this. Please end the relationship already! >.<

I remember reading somewhere that someone stated Japanese actresses don't like kissing, because they're always stiff and look like they'd rather be somewhere else (because they shouldn't show they enjoy sex since they're the image of innocence). However, in this kiss scene the kisses look like real kissing. Is it because she is a bad woman that she is allowed to kiss this way on TV...?

I would like to see some nice kissing between the hero and the heroine too! XDDD~

What will happen in next episode?
I think that...

Naoki gets shocked, and angry of course. But he doesn't say anything or do anything. His lack of reaction upsets Natsuki - and since she feels guilty to have been caught "with the pants down" she thinks that attack is the best defence - so she will yell at him and tell him that everything is his fault, because he is a bad boyfriend who neglects her and doesn't want to kiss her or make rabu rabu with her, so she has to throw herself in the arms of an utterly ugly guy because she is horny, but her own boyfriend doesn't want her and rejects her... and the rants go on. Naoki will leave in the middle of her monologue (who wants to hear that shit?), then going out kicking something and hurts his fot or leg. He gets himself drunk at night and sits in South Park where Riko finds him, consoles him, then tells him to break up with his girlfriend and go steady with her, Riko, instead. Then she kisses him (or he kisses her) and they end up in bed. Living happily ever after. End of story. =)

Or not.

I want to watch next episode. NOW. >.<

jdrama, yamapi

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