I ♥ HK

Jun 08, 2009 17:08

I love...

... Hong Kong?
... Hello Kitty?
... Helsingborgs Kossor? XD


Nah. Actually it is...  Handsome Kame.

Dr. Handsome Kame. Simply gorgeous and irresistible like his KFC fried chicken. <33
(Sorry, I don't know the name of his character in this drama. ^^;;)

Anyway. Kame's back in drama again, even though it's just as a one-episode-guest...
So let's talk about MR. BRAIN!!

Hanin Kame.

It was too obvious who the killer was... T_T;

I think this was an interesting character for Kame. I would rather he have this kind of characters, where he can develop his acting more, than having the lead but a boring and contentless personality.

Kame was really creeping me out in this scene. Kowai. Just standing there silently. ^^;

LOL. He's a bit short.

Amazingly pretty, his eyes, aren't they? I like the glasses too. <333
(Sorry, couldn't help starting fangirling in the midst of the seriousness. ^^;;)

The caring fiancé...

... with lots of patience. Can't tell if he does this out of affection to his fiancé or only out of concern as a doctor. O.o

"Good girl."
Ne, this is the girl you're supposed to love. Don't treat her as if she was five. ^^;

So cold and emotionless it's scary.

I can't say this character is very sympathetic. He seems to be of good background, has a good reputation, high education, seems to be nice and friendly, popular amongst the patients. In short, a perfect guy with a pretty fiancé. Secrets hide in the shadows though....

"Tell me, why would I want to kill my own fiancé?"

As I said before, it's interesting to see Kame other than the hero. Next time, maybe we can see him as a playboy, a jerk or someone really evil?

At the end, he did show some regret.

Don't ask me what the motive was for this case. I didn't get that. I only get that part he tried to kill the girl because he was afraid she would reveal him. Sigh. I need subs. >.<

Episode 3 - key words: toumei ningen (invisible man) and kibou (hope/wish)
Anyone who can tell me what those words mean? O.o  Thank you, annneonet ! ^^

For your information, it's Kimura Takuya's drama and it's crime investigation based on neuro science. People say Kimura only plays one kind of character, but I think he is a good actor. He can play different characters. In this he is a crazy weirdo but with a sharp mind.

This drama isn't at the level of CSI or Criminal Minds, but it's still a good and entertaining drama. One thing that annoys me though is why they must put Mizushima Hiro as an total idiot cop. It would be more CSI-ish if he could be a competent, goodlooking and cool police officer who helps out solving the cases, instead of this I-am-lucky-if-I-can-tie-my-shoes-in-the-morning baka.... T_T

kame, jdrama

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