Because I love my camera...

Mar 24, 2009 20:35

I got packages from YesAsia last week, with One Drop and Rescue, the movie Tea Fight and lastly (but not least) Kame's KAT-TUN School Calendar for 2009-2010.

I don't know what feelings I have about the calendar, stupid me didn't read the descriptions thouroughly, I was expecting the same as last year, a book calendar, so I was more than surprised when the actual thing turns up to be a desk top calendar. I'm not complaining, because I think the pictures of Kame are really nice. And I can use only Kame's pictures too, no one force me to put up i.e. Ueda or Koki.

Jewelry box
Yeah. I was confused when I opened the package. Hm... what a funny box. Why would they need such a big box to deliver such a tiny calendar? And why those small boxes inside the box? But I don't want to throw away this box, it doesn't look anything but could be useful. Maybe I can have my rings and hairdoes in it.....?

"... this year's KAT-TUN calendar comes with a jewelry box...."

Stupid me. Hountouni baka. T_T

Anyway, the jewelry box was a bit boring, so I fixed it a little bit. With Kame. XDDD

Tea Fight
I had great expectations for Toda Erika and Vic Chou. The movie was okay, but the pairing.... T_T
Give me a good Toda Erika/Handsome-and-nice-guy story someone!!! >.<

And lastly, some random pics because I still love my camera.



kame, pictures, toda erika, kat-tun

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