[Fic] Nobuta High 2b

Jan 26, 2007 21:41

Title: Nobuta High
Chapter: Story Two (Ryu) ~ Six Months of Silence ~

Part 2

Aw... this chapter was too long, I couldn't post everything on one entry.... so, here's the second part of the second chapter. *LOL*

“Youko… do you have time?” Ryu stood in the door in Youko’s room. She was sitting at her cluttered desk, obviously working with one of her projects.

“That depends. Why?”

Ryu hesitated. “Well, never mind.” He turned to leave, but Youko jumped up from her chair and hurried to grab his arm.

“No, tell me.”

“I… was wondering if you could help me with the homework.”

Youko raised her brows. “You actually do your homework of your own accord? I remember those time when I had to force my help on you.” She laughed softly. Ryu knew what she meant. Seeing himself as a delinquent he didn’t take school seriously. Back then Youko had managed to make him do his homework, but the only motivation he had had at that time was he could spend time with her. Things were a little bit different now.

“Well… I’m going to graduate soon. But never mind if you don’t have time. I can handle it on my own.”

“Just give me ten minutes to finish this,” she tossed her head in the direction of the desk. “I’ll come over to your room when I’m done.”

Ryu was lying on his bed with all the books and papers when Youko knocked at the door. She didn’t wait for answer but open the door and entered.

“You would scold me if I did the same to you.”

“I rarely have my door closed,” she answered and sat down on his bed.

“Even when you’re dressing and things like that?”

“If I don’t want people to enter, I simply lock the door. Now, let’s see… what did you want me to help with?” She looked curiously at his books.

“Ah! This one I also had when I was in high school.” She held up his English textbook.

“Here. Help me with those questions.” He replace the English textbook in her hand with a thick book and a piece of paper.

“You sure have a lot to do.”

“You bet. Yankumi got a panic attack when she realized we’re graduating soon. Right now she is determined to have us all pass the maths tests. But she doesn’t stop at maths.”

Youko looked down at the book in her hand. “Second World War.”

“I need to find the answers in this book and write it down. You know I really hate history. Nothing is more boring.” Ryu sounded troubled.

Youko smiled encouragingly. “I’ll read it for you. Why don’t you get seated at your computer, then you can write down the answers right away.”

They worked about an hour. Youko searched and found the relevant text in the book, then she read it aloud to Ryu who wrote it down on his computer. Youko stretched her arms when they finially finished.

“Anything more?”

“No, the rest I’ll do tomorrow. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” She remained seated on his bed, looking around in his room. It wasn’t a room common to a teenage boy. If she hadn’t known she would have thought it was an adult living there. He kept it clean and organized, but in many ways it was an impersonal room. Even his computer looked more like one they have in an office than in a boys room. Her glance fell on a colourful lunch box with cute puppies motifs, put on the floor beside his bag. She couldn’t help taking a closer look at it.

“Hey Ryu-chan… is this yours?”

“No, it belongs to… a girl in school.”

“Oh, really. What girl?”

“That doesn’t matter. Now put it back, I have to return it to her tomorrow.”

“Who is it? Tell me, or I won’t give you this back… hey, stop that!” He had come closer and grabbed her hand which was holding the little box.

“No, I’m not giving it back until you tell me…” She managed to keep it in her hand and get away from him, but he rushed after her. They started to wrestle with each other and ended up falling on the bed together. Ryu rolled around so Youko came to lie beneth him. He took the box from her and dropped it at the floor.

“You’ve lost.” He teased, looking down at her face, but she wasn’t smiling back which made his own smile fade away. Obviously she was thinking of their kiss from last time, because he noticed the light blush on her cheeks and her eyes avoiding his.

“Ryu-chan, you’re heavy. Let me up.”

Instead of doing what he was told he bent down to kiss her, but she put her hands on his chest and pushed him away so she could sit up.

“Please don’t. That’s not any good idea.” She said in a low voice.

“Why?! Because I’m not good enough for you?” Ryu shouted, grabbed her by the shoulders so she had to face him. She looked at his angry face. His mood could really change fastly sometimes.

“No! Not because you’re not good enough for me. Ryu, you know you’re precious to me. But we... can’t. I mean, I’m much older than you. Things won’t work out....”

“That doesn’t matter!” Ryu said with burning eyes. “This matters!” He kissed her forcefully and held her tightly to him, so she could hardly breathe. She began to struggle and managed to broke the kiss.

“It matters to me!” she yelled with tears in her eyes. “Stop it, Ryu.”

“I wish you didn’t came back!” Ryu said bitterly and pushed her away. He felt almost happy when he saw how hurt she was by his words, but the triumph was short, because hurting her meant hurting himself. He stood up, turning his back to her, so he could avoid seeing her face.

“Then... I’ll leave. If it’s what you wish.” Youko’s voice was hollow, broken.

“So you’re going to escape once again. Youko, you’re a coward!”

“Then what do you want me to do, Ryu?” But Ryu wasn’t listening anymore, he had curled himself down on the floor, leaning against the wall, with shut eyes. He sat there for a long time, waiting for Youko to leave. But she didn’t. Finally he opened his eyes to find her sitting before him, with a painful expression on her face.

“I’m so sorry, Ryu... it never occurred to me... how you felt about me.”

“You left... without a word. Did you know how painful it was to me? Didn’t you care about my feelings? I was longing for you. I wanted to see you. I wanted to be with you... You just left me!” Tears was running down his cheeks. Youko raised her hand to dry his tears.

“I didn’t know that. Sorry, I didn’t see.... because of... my own feelings, I guess.” Hearing this Ryu’s eyes widened and he grabbed the hand which was stroking his face. His breath became heavier, as he didn’t dare to believe what he’d heard.

“You’re right. I really am a coward. I ran away.”

“You were afraid of me? I would never hurt you, Youko!”

Youko smiled through the tears. “No, it wasn’t you, Ryu. It was my own feelings I was afraid of. I mean, we’d became real close friends, I knew things about you nobody else did and I felt responsible for you. It was my task to take care of you... but instead I got these... improper feelings for you. I felt like using you. You were just a kid. You still are, Ryu...”

“I am NOT!” Ryu said, upset. He looked like he wanted to strangle her. She ignored his rage and continued.

“So I escaped. I thought my feelings would disappear if I got some distance from you, and when they did, I could come back and be your friend...” Youko was interrupted by Ryu pulling back from her. He looked pained.

“So you mean, you’re over me! That’s why you came back?”

She sighed. “No... please listen... It’s not like that. Quite the opposite. I couldn’t get you out of my mind. In these six months, I tried to date different guys... shh... Ryu… listen... these guys, they just made me realize how much I missed you. So I came back... because I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

“Okay. Let’s pretend what you said is true,” Ryu said defensively. “Why are you saying no, then?”

“Because... coming back... I didn’t intend to start a relationship with you, Ryu. I just wanted to see you. Not to mention you’re still underage and going in high school...”

“I can quit.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I want you to graduate...”

“Well,” Ryu said with a smirk as he pushed her down on the floor with a quick movement and nailed her body with his own. “This kid isn’t behaving as you expect him to do. Besides, I’m not a kid that needs protection from big sister. I am the one who is going to protect you. And I must say I’m much better at protection than you are.”

“Hey... Ryu-chan?!!” Youko’s wrists was held tightly against the floor, above her head. She was in a position that she couldn’t move, nor escape. “Ryu...”

“This time I won’t let you go. I won’t let you say no either, not after hearing your confession.” He took her lips with possession, not allowing her to reject him. His kiss deepened until he felt her resistance weaken, then he started to set a path of kisses along her cheek and neck, finally going back to kiss her lips again. This time the kisses were hard and passionated. He used his tongue to part her lips so he could explore her mouth and smiled when he felt her responding to his kiss. The only time he took off his lips from hers was to let them both breathe. Finally he raised his head and looked down at her.

“I’m not letting you go, Youko. You are mine.“ She looked at him, unable to speak.
“Mine,” he repeated and placed one last kiss on her lips before sitting up.

“Ryu... there is still a lot of things we need to consider...” Ryu wanted to protest but Youko held up her hand to stop him. “Let it be for tonight. I think we both need to get some sleep. You have school tomorrow, and I have some... errands to do. “

She walked out of the room and closed the door. Ryu looked at the closed door for a moment, then he threw himself on his bed, burying his face in the sheets, smiling. At least he had her admitting her feelings for him. To him, the age difference wasn’t a big deal. In fact, nothing really was a problem, he thought, as long as they loved each other and were willing to go through the trials together. He just had to convince her.

*   *   *   *   *

He felt her kissing him gently and he wanted to kiss her back, but was too tired. He couldn’t even open his eyes to see her. The next moment she was gone. Finally he opened his eyes. The room was dark and quiet. Had it been a dream? He glanced at the alarm clock. Fifteen minutes left before it would ring. He sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes. Then he saw the note. “I’ll kill you, Youko, if you’ve left me again,” he thought before he took the paper in his hand and started to read.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back in two days. Youko”

Damn that woman. What was she up to now? Irritated, yet relieved he got up and went to the bathroom.

“Hey, gloomy boy... what’s the matter?” Hayato sat down beside his friend who had been quiet for the whole day. They were in school, at their usual place at the roof. Ryu shrugged. “Nothing really.”

“I was thinking of coming to you after school today.”

“To my house? Why?”

“Just hang around. You don’t want to?” Hayato pouted. “Furthermore, I haven’t seen Youko for a long time. She promised to make some....”

“She’s not there.”

“.... delicious stuff for me to eat. What did you say? ”

“She has left for a couple of days.”

“What?! Why? Where did she go?”

“I don’t know. But she’ll be back later... I think. So if you just wanted to see her, then it’s no idea to go to my place...”

“Never mind,” Hayato grinned and pounded Ryu on the back. “I can hang out with you anyway. After all, I’m your best friend.”

Youko was a liar, Ryu decided, lying in his bed, staring at the note she left for him. Or maybe she couldn’t count to two? It had been a week now, and she wasn’t back yet. Where was she and what was she doing? His mom had said something about work, because Youko travelled a lot in her work. That could also be used as an excuse though. Hayato and the others were at Tsucchi’s place today, playing cards and chatting, but Ryu hadn’t felt like being social. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. At this moment however, he was merely cursing his cousin. Suddenly a signal from his cellphone told him he’d got mail.

“Sorry, I didn’t think it would take this long. I’ll be back tomorrow. /Youko”

“So this is the place… Nobuta High, eh?” Youko thought to herself when she stand in the gateway to the school yard. It was early in the morning and a lot of students were on their way entering school. Some were in a hurry, others greeted their friends and most of them were chatting and laughing. No one took noticed of her. A girl, walking all by herself, passed Youko, so she simply stopped her.

“Excuse me, do you know where I can find Yankumi?” The girl looked at her for a moment, then bowed down her head and shook it.

“She’s a teacher in this school. Are you sure you don’t know?” The girl shook her head again.

“I’m sorry.” She wanted to leave but Youko made her stop again.

“Please wait. She’s the homerun teacher for class 3-D. Do you know where I can find them?”

“All the seniors… have their class rooms on the top floor.”

“Thanks.” Youko smiled at the girl as she met her eyes. Nobuta was looking back at the female in front of her, slightly wondering what she was doing at school. The woman was too young to be someone’s mother, but not young enough to be a student. Maybe she was a teacher, or a friend to a teacher. More likely she was a girlfriend or wife to one of the teachers. As the other one was about to leave for the school building, Nobuta was hit by a thought.


Youko turned around, a little surprised. “Yes?”

“Were you possibly asking for… 3-D from Kurogin High?”

“Yes, that’s right. Do you know them?”

“No… but everybody knows about them. They have their class room in that little building over there.”

“Oh, I see. Thanks for telling me.”

Nobuta nodded at her and then continued her way into the school.

“Yankumi is late today,” Tsucchi said, sitting on the desk, bored.

“Are you that eager to start the lesson?”

“Or maybe you’re eager to see Yankumi? You have a crush on her?”

“You guys are noisy!” Tsucchi hit the others’ heads. “I’m just saying, it’s unlike her. She always preach about being in time…”

The door opened and the person they were talking about entered. By her side she had a young female. A choir of surprised voices went through the class room. Ryu stiffened as he saw who it was.

“Good morning! Sorry I’m late. As you can see we’re going to have a visitor today. Please be nice to her.”

“Konnichi wa. I’m Saeba Youko. Nice to meet you!”

“Youko-san, do you want to have a seat somewhere?” Yankumi asked, looking out over the class room, not sure where to offer her the seat. Ryu solved her dilemma. He simply raised from his seat, leaving the place next to Hayato’s vacant, and went to another desk. His face showed clearly what he thought of this impulsive acting of Youko’s. He didn’t want her here among these drooling boys. He thought Hayato was a safe card though.

“Thanks. The seat next to Hayato-kun will be fine.”

“Youko-chan!” Hayato was as surprised as the others. “What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to see how you’re doing in school,” Youko whispered back. She watched the rejecting back of Ryu. Boy, was she going to be yelled at later by a certain person? Oh well, but that was probably worth it.

“Really thank you, Yankumi-sensei, for letting me be here all day. I’ve had a lot of fun.”

“You’re welcome. Please come and visit again.”

“Please don’t.” Ryu grinded his teeth.


“It’s okay,” Youko smiled. “Shall we go, Ryu-chan?”

Without replying he started to walk in front of Youko. She had to hurry to keep up with his pace.

“Hey… wait for me!” She hooked her arm with his. He remained silent.

“Ryu-chan… are you really mad?” Youko started to feel a bit unpleasant until Ryu finally answered.

“I was worried that something might had happened to you. And why was you showing up in school? You should have told me first.”

“Why can’t I see you at school?”

“Never mind. I’m hungry. Let’s go buy something.”

“Okay.” Youko was relieved Ryu wasn’t angry anymore. “Then, what do you want to eat?”


They bought a couple of hamburgers and sat down on a bench, looking at people passing by while eating. Youko sneaked a glance at Ryu.

“Her name is Mariko, right?”


“Hayato-kun told me. The girl who’s making obentous to you. Hayato says she’s really cute and nice.”

“Hayato talks too much.”

“Can I see her?”


“I think that she might suit you better than I ever will do.”

“Don’t make me angry, Youko.” The words came out as hissing sounds.

“You really are stupid. Rejecting such a nice girl… because of me?”

“It had nothing to do with you… well, maybe a little… but I wanted to make clear I have no interest in her. Isn’t that more fair to her?”

“You’re right, but still… And I was hoping to see her today…” Youko sighed and waited for Ryu’s response, but he just took another bite of his second hamburger.

“Ryu-chan… about our relationship… I see only troubles. Think about it. Our age difference, my work, your studies, what people around us will say, our family and especially your dad. What would your friends think…”

“Youko.” Ryu interrupted, suddenly standing in front of her. “Do you love me?” She was taken by surprise. “What? I…”

“Answer me!”

“I do, but…”

“Then nothing else should matter. You haven’t even tried and yet you want to give up. Don’t you think that is unfair to me?”

Youko stared at him for a moment before her expression softened and the frowns on her forehead faded.

“Yankumi really is amazing, isn’t she? I can see the influence she has on your boys. She’s changed you a lot, Ryu. You are being more grown up. And you seem more determined now, knowing what you want, not that lost as you were in those days. I think you’ve even softened a lot…”

“Don’t change the subject.”

“I want to try. But I’m afraid of hurting you. And myself.”

“I don’t want to give up something just because I’m afraid.”

“Ryu…” Slowly she got on her feet, stepping forward until her body met his. “You’re not making it easy for me.” She wrapped her arms softly around his waist and leaned her forehead against his chest. He was surprised for a moment, but hugged her back.

“I want to try.” Realizing the meaning of that his grip tightened around her. None of them heard the sound of a bag falling on the ground. Neither did they see the girl stepping backwards from the shock. A minute later Youko pulled herself out from Ryu’s embrace and turned around to clean off the bench from the leftovers.

“Let’s go.”


“By the way, Ryu-chan… did I tell you I’m going to Taiwan next week?”

“You’re what?!!”

“That’s why it took so long before I came back. The director needs someone to take that project in Taiwan…”

“Why does it have to be you?” If it had been another situation Youko would have smiled, because Ryu looked like a little boy who had been ripped off his candy, but she stayed grave.

“I can’t say no. I’m not in the position to do that.”

Ryu sighed. “Then how long will you be away this time?”

“Oh that. Only three months….”

“THREE MONTHS!!!? Are you kidding me?!”

“Please calm down. Three months will pass really quickly. And I promise to call you everyday…”

“Everyday indeed?”

“Well, I’ll try to call everyday.”

“Hm…” His experiences from before told him Youko had another view of time than most people. Two days to her could easily turn into seven days. He might be lucky if she would call him once a week or every second week.

“Stupid Youko! You’re just trying to escape again.”

“No, I’m not. Not this time.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No… I’ve told you, I’m not. It’s really work…”

Their voices faded as they walked further away from the bench. Mariko slowly took up her bag again and as in a trance she started to walk her way home. Though she already knew about the other girl it still was a shock to find out, to actually see them together. She was also surprised to see another side of Ryu. Never would she have imagined that he could look at someone in that kind of way. His gaze had been tender and soft. He must really love her. Mariko sighed. She wished she was the object of his love, but maybe it was better this way. At least she had found out before she’d become deeper in love with him.

“Damn that teacher. When will she realize I don’t want to go to college and hence have no need for maths?!” Hayato was kicking the stone in his way as he walked along with Ryu and the others.

“You still need to graduate.” Ryu smirked and the other boys nodded.

“I know that. You don’t have to tell me.” Hayato sounded annoyed.

“Maybe you should find yourself a tutor.” Take suggested but got a dark gaze back.

“Yes, a cute girl wouldn’t hurt. Maybe I should get one myself,” Tsucchi said dreamingly.

“Though we don’t know that many cute girls…”

“We can ask Maki-chan…” Hyuuga started but was interrupted by Take.

“Hey, don’t you dare to lay your hands on Maki-chan!”

“Oh, so things are going well with you two?” Tsucchi grinned and hit Take on the back so he started to cough.

“Well, that…”

“Talking about that,” Hayato suddenly turned to Ryu. “You seem to be in a good mood today, Ryu-chan.”

“Ah.” Ryu wasn’t really paying attention.

“I’m happy things cleared up for you and Youko-chan. So everything is perfect between you two now, isn’t it?” The other boys looked surprised but stayed quiet after seeing Hayato’s glare.

“Well… perfect I wouldn’t say. She’s going to leave for Taiwan in a few days, but at least…” Ryu stopped and glared at Hayato. “Hey! You sneaked onto me!”

“What could I do? You never tell me anything.”

“Is it true? It can’t be! Ryu and… Youko-san!” Take looked like he was struck by a ligthning.

“When did this happen?” Hyuuga wanted to know.

“And here you were acting cool all the time. Saying you weren’t interested in girls… Now you have to tell us!” Tsucchi was grinning widely.

“That’s why you couldn’t accept Mariko? Now I see… I really thought something was wrong with you.” Take sounded relieved.

“Now tell us, tell us…”

Ryu sighed. He couldn’t get away. If he didn’t tell them, they would bug him until he did. He knew his friends. In fact, he really didn’t have anything against telling them, it was just he was a bit embarrassed, talking about things like that. But he knew they wanted to know because they cared for him. The boys went to their usual place, Cafe de Rovne, where they bought something to drink and continued their mindless chats.

It was already eight o’clock in the morning, but there was still no sign of Ryu.

“Ryu isn’t going to school today?” his mom asked, then looked at Youko who sat at the table, eating breakfast.

“Yes, he is. Maybe he just overslept. I’ll go and wake him up.”

He heard someone entered his room quietly and carefully closed the door behind her. Youko, of course. He pretended to be asleep, not quite knowing what to do, wondering what she was up to.

“Why are you still in bed?” Youko pulled his cover away. “You’ll be late for school.”

“I am not going,” came the sulky answer.

“You’re such a baby,” she sighed and sat down on his bed, stroking his hair from the face. He grabbed her hand.

“You’re leaving today. I won’t see you for three months.”

“Ryu...” she started to say but gasped when he pulled her down on the bed, turning her round so she came to lie beneath him.

“Hey, you...” The fierce kiss cut off what she was about to say. Ryu knew he acted foolishly, but he didn’t want to let go. At the moment he just wanted to enjoy the feeling of having her close to him, to forget everything else but the taste of her lips. Finally he broke the kiss and looked down at her. She met his eyes and for a long time none of them said anything, just looked at each other, wanted time to freeze.

“Hey, Ryu-chan... what would you like for graduation present?”

He frowned. Graduation present? He already had everything he could buy for money. What did he want? He wanted her to stay. Youko mistook his gaze, and suddenly her cheeks were all red.

“No, I’m not going to wrap myself up as a present for you.”

“You’re not?” He sounded disappointed, just to tease her. “Well, I don’t know... Did you have something on your mind?” Ryu laid himself down on the bed as Youko sat up.

“Yes. Let’s make a deal. If you manage to graduate this summer, refraining from fights and being expelled from the school... I’ll give you... a trip.”

“A trip?” Ryu said surprised, not expecting that. “Where?”

“Wherever you want. You’ll decide. A trip, only you and me? How’s that?”

Ryu nodded. Suddenly he understood. “Then, it’s a promise.”

* * * * *

It had only been four days since Youko left, but Ryu missed her, so he was in a bad mood, wandering on the streets trying to lighten up his mind a bit. Everywhere he could see love couples fooling around. Usually he wouldn’t mind, but being in his recent mood he found it really annoying. Suddenly he raised his eyebrows looking at a girl coming in his way. She was walking with her head down, her gaze at the ground, straight in his direction without slowing down her pace, as if she hadn’t seen him. Why didn’t the girls nowadays look where they walked, Ryu was wondering. This girl didn’t bump into him though, she managed to stop the second before she stepped on him.

“I’m really sorr...” Her voice was cut off when she looked up and saw him. Her eyes widened with surprise. She kept on staring at him for a while then suddenly her face got a confused expression. Ryu startled when she walked around his back, still with these observating eyes on him, faced him again and finally touched him, first his hair and then his arms.

“Hey... what are you...?”

“You’re not Shuji!” Nobuta interrupted. She was astonished. How could he look exactly the same but yet be another person?

Ryu couldn’t help smiling. “No, I’m not. Thanks for telling me.”

“You’re are Mariko’s guy.” She didn’t seem that puzzled anymore.

“Are you Mariko’s friend?”

Nobuta nodded. Then she suddenly bowed for him. “I really, really... wanted to thank you for saving her... that time.”

“No need, really...” Ryu felt embarrased.

“Then... see you again.” Meeting this guy who looked like her friend but indeed was a stranger, Nobuta felt uncomfortable and shy, so she just hurried and left Shuji’s doppelganger behind her.

“Strange girl,” Ryu murmured looking after her. She didn’t even introduce herself. Had she got afraid of him, or was she just shy? Ryu got a feeling that he would meet that girl again. There was a buzzing sound in his pocket. He picked up his phone, got a glimpse of who was calling and answered. His mood definitely changed as he continued his walk along the street...

Go to chapter 3


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