Kame picspam

Oct 05, 2008 21:55

I guess I haven't been fangirling a lot lately. Sorry Kame-chan. ^^;
Searching through my Kame-pic archive (from these recent months only) I realize I really have plenty pictures of the little turtle, but don't ask me where I took it from, from everywhere I suppose.

Yup, I felt the urge to have a picspam just now (although I should go to bed, really....) O.o

Waaaaaaa..... *drools*

I just love his pose.

One of my favourite picture. He looks like a poor but very cool guy.

"Ask me."
With such a tutor, who needs school? XD
Can I do more than ask?

Haha, his expression. He looks totally adorable in this one. Love his hair, love his expression, love his vest....

What??!!! Someone gave Kame lemons to eat? (In Chinese it's a sign of rejection)
But he eats happily, because that wasn't me....

"Something else you want to ask me?"

Ehrm.... weird pose. But his palm hairstyle rocks! XD

Here he reminds me of Lam Fong (HK artiste). This foto is my desktop wallpaper.

"So you think I'm an ugly dork...?"
(Oh no, Kame! Who would think that?!!!)

"You're wrong. I'm actually handsome."

"See? I told you."

"Santa Claus only comes to naughty nice girls."

In deep thoughts.

Not many guys could wear such horrible outfits and yet look totally desirable. ^^

Long hair~
Me like. VERY. MUCH.

Boyish, rebellish, cute. Oh, the black hair. XDDD~

(Kame knows that all his fangirls are watching, wishing they were the crunchy one...)

He looks so casual here. Fine. Natural. Handsome. <3

The last picture...

... with Jin. Because I love Akame. ^__________^

I should really have some sweet dreams tonight, shouldn't I? XDD~

kame, pictures

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