Drama ramblings

Aug 17, 2008 17:22

Sometimes I really hate rumours. When it comes to dramas. They will only raise your hope and expectance for something and then kill it when the rumour turns out to be... just a rumour. However, IF the rumours become true... then JOY! JOY! JOY!  b^_^d

Anyway. I'm rewatching the Taiwanese drama Mars with Vic Chou and then I came upon this rumour which says that there will be a Japanese version with Jin and Maki. Although I have a lot of doubts about that, I can't help imagine what it could be like.

I think Jin is perfect as Rei (if he can pull it through with the character). Rei is a complex character, so it could be a good challenge for Jin (not to forget that it's a double role acting too). Rei is a bit Hayoto-ish, so I can totally see Jin in this role. Although Hayato doesn't really seem like a playboy, but Jin totally fits my image of a playboy, so he will do. XD

What about the lead girl then?

Maki? Hm.... I don't know. I like Maki and she has been in similiar roles before and she and Jin... could be an interesting pairing. I just... don't know. Like Barbie Hsu she is pretty but could be plain in dramas, with a timid look. She actually might be a good choice. (There is still this small 'but'....)

Toda Erika, my favourite actress at the moment. I would like her to be paired up with either Kame, Jin or Yamapi (those are my favourite actors, if you didn't know that before - like you would've missed out Kame?!!) and I think she is able to do a good Kira, I have faith in her acting. But I guess I can save myself from hoping for it. T_T

Although Aragaki Yui isn't really one of my favourite (sometimes I can't stand her, depends on what character she has in the dramas) but I can see her as Kira. A bit like the way she is in Code Blue; mild, caring, a little bit timid etc... Maybe a bit tall though.... O.o

Someone (I read it somewhere) suggested that they should have Kame as Rei's best friend so they will have Akame again in the same drama.

I say, NO. WAY.  
*shakes my head fiercely* 

Tatsuya is not Kame at all. He is so plain, so uninteresting, merely a spectator to what's happening Rei. 
Kame should be Masao, the sociopath in the story, who has a crush on Rei and who has a really, really twisted mind. He's creepy. Smart, pretty but totally sick in his head. I would like to see Kame as this character. Wouldn't it be interesting? ^______^

And really. It doesn't hurt that he is sexy too. XDDDDDD~



Seriously. Who says Yamapi can't act?

And who CARES if he can't act? He is cool. And gorgeous. That alone will make me watch through the drama. He is also the only one of the four interns that I think 'looks' like a doctor, like someone who knows what he is doing. The others looks more like students on training.

I love Toda Erika. And her character. She's such a bitch. ^^;

I don't like Shirashi. I don't want her to end up with Aizawa. (Well, you all know which pairing I truely want in this drama! Because I really love the chemistry between Aizawa and Hiyama. It's more interesting to watch them then Aizawa/Shirashi. I'm serious.) She is too meeky, too unsecure and too caring. And her fringe annoys me. Why can't she put it up with the rest of her hair? I don't know why I don't like this character, because she is (should be) the most sympathic one of them. But waaa.... Yui is pretty. O-o

The nurse is pretty cool too. She seems to soften up through the story.

I hate the glasses guy. 

kame, jdrama, yamapi, jin, toda erika

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